
Randy Orton Lobbying Matt Riddle To Make WWE Return

Randy Orton wants Matt Riddle to come back to WWE

Could Matt Riddle make an unlikely return to WWE? Randy Orton has been lobbying for it to happen. 

Speaking with MuscleManMalcolm, Riddle revealed that Orton is always asking him if he wants to come back to WWE. 

"I talked to Randy probably a week and a half, two weeks ago about an arcade, we talked about some other stuff, just hanging out. He always asks me if I wanna come back, and I'm like, 'Maybe one day.' Right now, with the kid and everything, I'm enjoying my time, and I'm trying to get my life all together. Not that you'll ever get your life together, but yeah, you know, things have been really good. I'm focusing a lot on myself and other things," Riddle said. 

Riddle and Orton were previously a tag team in WWE from April 2021 until May 2022, during which they had two reigns as Raw Tag Team Champions. Riddle was released by WWE in September 2023, one week after he accused a police officer of sexual assault. Riddle revealed following his release that he failed multiple drug tests for using cocaine. 

Riddle has since had a brief run in New Japan Pro-Wrestling where he had a 49-day reign as NJPW World Television Champion. He has also wrestled regularly for MLW and Riddle made his AAA debut at the promotion's June 22 show. 

If WWE have any interest in bringing Riddle back is unknown.

H/T WrestleZone

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons