Ric Flair Says He 'Would Love To Die In The Ring’
Ric Flair wants to die in the ring. Ok.
Oct 27, 2023
Ric Flair is inarguably one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time, with a legacy inside the ring in a league of its own.
‘The Nature Boy’ has never quite shaken off the wrestling bug, though, as several retirement-breaking matches can attest. During a recent appearance on Sportskeeda’s the Wrestling Outlaws, Vince Russo claimed that Flair would ‘love’ to die in the ring:
“Ric Flair’s absolute dream is to go out in the middle of a wrestling ring. To him, that is the perfect story for the end of Ric Flair,” Russo said. “That is the perfect, final last chapter, ‘He died in a wrestling ring.’ I really believe that’s what he wants.”
However, this a stance with which ‘Naitch’ himself agrees:
“For the first time @thevincerusso, I totally agree with you. We’ve had our differences, probably because of Bischoff, but he’s an issue in everyone’s life. I left my entire family behind trying to be the best I could be in professional wrestling. I totally agree with you that I would love to die in the ring. I spent my entire life there, so why not? Wooooo! Thank you for the respect which @ebischoff has never shown me,” posted Flair on X/Twitter.
For newer fans, Flair’s vitriol against Eric Bischoff goes back to their time working together in WCW in the late 90s, where the two spectacularly fell out due to Flair no-showing an episode of WCW Thunder to support his son Reid at an amateur wrestling meet.
H/T: WrestleZone