Scrapped WWE ECW Title Belt Revealed
The belt was discovered in the WWE archives
Dec 23, 2024
An unseen title belt has been discovered in WWE's archive warehouse in Stamford, Connecticut.
A discarded design for the ECW World Championship was shared in a clip on the WWE Vault YouTube page.
The belt was originally set to be held by CM Punk during his sole, 143-day reign as ECW Champion, but was scrapped in favour of another design that debuted after Chavo Guerrero beat Punk for the title.
Detailing the belt's history, senior WWE archivist Ben Brown said:
"Story behind this – see CM Punk's name on there? CM Punk has the ECW Championship from September of '07 to January of 2008. [He] drops the title to Chavo and a new title is in the works. This just never saw the light of day. I don't know if it was received in the same way we had wanted it to be received and we ended up with a giant silver eagle design that took you all the way through the end of ECW. But this is the interim title, this is the title that never saw the light of day".
It is currently 'ECW Week' on the WWE Vault YouTube channel.
Several former ECW stars recently showed up on an ECW-themed episode of NXT. Former ECW Champion Sabu was not a fan and criticised the event.
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