Sean Waltman: You Can't Have 60+ Year Old People Running WWE NXT 2.0 Creative
Waltman is frustrated with the direction of NXT 2.0

Oct 14, 2021
Sean 'X-Pac' Waltman has hit out at the creative process behind WWE NXT 2.0, questioning the logic of having '60+ year-old people in charge' of a wrestling show aimed at a young audience.
Since transitioning into NXT 2.0 last month, WWE's developmental brand has reportedly tried to attract younger fans by using taboo language and presenting edgier content. However, recent ratings show that NXT 2.0 is struggling in the key 18-49 demographic, with the average age of a viewer being 62.
Waltman believes WWE officials need to let younger people who understand the audience they're trying to bring in actually run the show.
Speaking on the latest episode of Pro Wrestling 4 Life, Waltman said: "Who’s in charge of the creative direction of of NXT? You can’t have 60+ year-old people in charge of the creative direction of a show that’s geared towards young people. Maybe oversee it but you got to let young, fresh blood make those decisions.
"We got to be self aware enough to know that we don’t - and I’m including me too as a 50-year-old man - we don’t f**king know what they (young people) want. We might think we do or we might think we know what’s best for them, but we don’t f**king know. We need to f**king listen to people that do."
H/T Wrestling Inc.