Seth Rollins Loses 'Freakin' From His WWE In-Ring Name
Seth Rollins loses his 'Freakin' nickname
Mar 12, 2025
The 'Freakin' nickname has been dropped from Seth Rollins, with his name on being updated from "Seth 'Freakin' Rollins" to just "Seth Rollins." Rollins has also received a new more serious render on as WWE have scrapped his previous goofy image.
Why WWE got rid of the 'Freakin' element of Seth Rollins' name is unknown but the man himself seemingly wasn't a big fan of the moniker when it was first introduced in 2021. Rollins revealed in 2022 that he asked Vince McMahon about doing away with the nickname and a minor change was made to allow WWE commentators to simply say "Seth Rollins."
Rollins faced CM Punk in a Steel Cage Match on the March 10 edition of Monday Night Raw, picking up a pyrrhic victory over Punk after Roman Reigns interfered and dragged Rollins out of the cage. The plan for WrestleMania 41 will see Rollins take on Reigns and Punk in a Triple Threat, having feuded with both men for multiple years.
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