
Seth Rollins Thinks A Three-Hour WWE Raw Is "Obnoxiously Long”

Seth Rollins is not a fan of a three-hour long WWE Raw

The decision by WWE to turn WrestleMania into a two-night affair going forward has been warmly greeted by fans and professionals alike, including Seth Rollins.

Rollins felt like the days of the seven-hour-plus one-night WrestleManias was far too obnoxious, telling the SI Media podcast:

“Well, the longer it got, the worse it was. And the one in question is the New York WrestleMania which literally, from the pre-show to the finale was like seven straight hours and that is obnoxious, that is way too much wrestling. And mind you, my wife won the main event that night. They didn’t go to the ring until after midnight. It’s just asinine and the crowd was tired. It caused such a catastrophe because the subways had shut down and no one could get back to where they were going. It was such chaos because we were out of MetLife in the Meadowlands. That is a whole bag of worms that opened up from that so yeah, man it’s no fun. And that main event which was awesome and super historic suffered from just the crowd being drained. They wanted to be there for everything but you only have so much energy. You know what I mean? You can only put so much caffeine into your body before your heart explodes.”

Rollins continued, “I think seven hours is just too long. You know, I think WrestleMania four hours is solid. That’s a solid number once a year four hours, I can live with that. Seven hours? I don’t know, pick your poison.”

Now that WrestleMania has been shortened, Rollins hopes that WWE Raw can decrease in length as well - as do many fans:

“I think a three hour show is just obnoxiously long every week,” Rollins exclaimed. “Everything gets stretched out, you know, and you’ve got to cram - you got to fill three hours of television, there’s just nothing to be done. You know, that’s just how it is. So I think two hours is a beautiful kind of number for a pro wrestling show. And I think it’s easier to make everything mean a little bit more. You know, on SmackDown when I was there last year, I hardly ever wrestle on television and so it was kind of a big deal. You look at Roman, he hardly ever wrestles on television, I think maybe a handful of times in the last year. So when he has matches at these pay-per-views, they feel like big deals and on Raw I’ve wrestled in like 26 five-star matches in the last two months. It’s just been wild the amount of actual wrestling that I have to do and I’d love to avoid that but it is what it is. I like the fact that I get a lot more screen time on Mondays because you have the extra hour but yeah it’s an apples to oranges type thing. I do think three hours is just a lot to ask every week of a viewer.”

H/T: WrestlingNews.co

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.