
Shane Taylor: The Door Is Always Open To Keith Lee At Shane Taylor Promotions

Lee was released by WWE earlier this month

Shane Taylor would 'love' the opportunity to team with Keith Lee once again and says the door is always open for the former NXT Champion in Shane Taylor Promotions. 

Taylor and Lee teamed together in Ring Of Honor between 2015-2017 as the Pretty Boy Killers, prior to Lee making the move to WWE. The 37-year-old was released by WWE earlier this month amid ongoing budget cuts in the promotion.

Taylor has spoken to Lee and says the former NXT North American Champion knows the door is open should he wish to join Shane Taylor Promotions, but hints that his old partner has other projects in the works.

Speaking with Jaychele Nicole of Bodyslam.Net, Taylor said: "Keith knows. We’ve talked. He knows that the door is always open. The door of STP is always open. There’s always going to be a spot for him when, and if, he decides that’s the route he wants to go.

"Right now, I know he’s got things going on, as well as getting married in February. There’s absolutely no rush to anything, but he knows that I’m only a call away. Of course, I would love to team up with him and whoop anybody’s ass that really wants some. That’s any company, anywhere. If he wants us to do it, I’m in.

"Any company that feels like they want to bring in PBK, I’m sure we’ll talk. As long as the numbers add up, we can do business."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com