Steve Austin, Kevin Owens Segment Turns Into Actual Match

One more round for Stone Cold

Justin Henry smiling while wearing a black hat

Apr 3, 2022

Kevin Owens Steve Austin WrestleMania 38.png

The KO Show segment between Kevin Owens and Steve Austin at WrestleMania 38 turned into an actual match between the two men, Austin's first official bout in nearly two decades.

Once Austin got to the ring for the segment and two exchanged words, Owens officially challenged him to a No Holds Barred match. Austin accepted, noting his first match was in Dallas, and his last one would be too.

The bout was a chaotic brawl, with Austin actually taking bumps outside the ring. In the end, Owens hit Austin with a Stunner, but Austin kicked out. When Owens swung a chair at Austin, Stone Cold ducked, and the chair bounced off the ropes and hit Owens in the face. Austin then stunned Owens to win.

After the match, Austin stunned Owens a second time. Austin then shared his celebratory beers with his brother, and also gave a stunner to Byron Saxton after inviting him into the ring.

For Austin, it marked his first match since March 30, 2003, when he lost to The Rock at WrestleMania 19 in Seattle. Austin's spinal injuries had compounded to the point where he knew going into that WrestleMania that he was retiring after.

For his career, Austin is 6-2 at WrestleMania, with three of those wins netting him the WWE championship (at WrestleManias 14, 15, and 17). His losses were to Rock at 19, and Bret Hart at 13.


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