
Triple H Cashes In On $2 Million Of WWE Stock

Time To Pay The Game?

WWE’s Executive Vice President of Global Talent Strategy & Development Paul “Triple H” Levesque has cashed in on some of his WWE Stock, which has earned him in excess of $2 million. 

A new SEC filing by WWE on Tuesday shows that Triple H sold 37,115 shares of Class A Common Stock at an average price of $55.60 per share, with the actual price ranging from $55.22 to $55.86.

That gives an approximate total sale price of $2,063,594.

It appears that Triple H opted to sell a significant portion of his Class A Common Stock, with the filing indiciating that he has 49,973 shares of Class A Common Stock left after this transaction.

It was noted in WWE's annual proxy statement, in keeping with SEC regulations, that Triple H owned 67,751 combined Class A and Class B Common Stock in WWE. The report, which was accurate as of March 30, 2021, notes that these shares were owned independently by Triple H and did not include any stock owned by his wife, Stephanie McMahon.

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com