Update On WWE Exerting Booking Control Over ID Matches

Update on WWE controlling the booking of WWE ID matches

Aidan Gibbons smiling in front of a green screen in an Adidas hoodie

Mar 17, 2025

Logo for WWE ID programme

WWE's control over the booking of WWE ID talent isn't quite as extensive as first believed.

Dave Meltzer reported in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that matches involving WWE ID talents are booked by Gabe Sapolsky and scripts for their matches are given to the independent wrestling promoter. It was also noted that a WWE ID talent's fee is paid by the indy promoter and WWE contributes towards the wrestler's travel costs with a stipend.

In an update, though, Meltzer has noted in a F4WOnline Daily Update that the travel stipend and Sapolsky giving a script to independent wrestling promoters only applies for contests between two ID talents which WWE promotes as a WWE ID showcase match. It was further noted that WWE don't block which independent bookings ID talents can accept but the company won't promote matches that ID wrestlers have against talents from All Elite Wrestling.

Meltzer stated the original story "wasn't supposed to be in the issue as the story was planned for next week, but due to a mixup it was in the issue this week but not completed."

The WWE ID programme was launched in late 2024 and is designed to provide a pathway for independent wrestlers to join WWE as they are designated as WWE ID 'prospects'. Several wrestling schools owned by WWE personalities, including Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins, have also been given WWE ID designation.

The following wrestlers are part of the WWE ID programme:

  • Sean Legacy
  • Cappuccino Jones
  • Zayda Steel
  • Bryce Donovan
  • Marcus Mathers
  • Sam Holloway
  • Jack Summit
  • Zara Zakher
  • It's Gal
  • Ice Williams
  • Aaron Rourke
  • Ricky Smokes
  • Brad Baylor
  • Jackson Drake
  • Freedom Ramsay
  • Jordan Oasis
  • Zoë Sager
  • Kylie Rae

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