
WWE Fan Returns Positive COVID-19 Test After Attending WrestleMania 37

The test result was returned on Tuesday evening

A fan who attended multiple wrestling events, including both nights of WWE WrestleMania 37, in the last week says he has since tested positive for COVID-19. 

The fan, going by the name @BahGawdLogan on Twitter, noted they had been in attendance at numerous wrestling shows in Florida the week of WrestleMania but, upon their return home from the trip, tested positive for coronavirus. 

John Pollock of POST Wrestling would reach out to the fan in question and establish that the positive test was returned on the evening of Tuesday 13 April. It was also noted, for others who were in Florida attending shows last week, that the fan attended Night One and Night Two of WrestleMania 37, the Bloodsport and Jimmy Lloyd’s Degeneration F events held through The Collective.

@BahGawdLogan would then respond to Pollock's Tweet, saying that he had been aware of the risks in attending the shows during the COVID-19 Pandemic and hoped everyone else who had been at the events would get tested. 

The tweets can be viewed below: 

Covid 19 wrestlemania

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Mitch Waddon

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