WWE's Seth Rollins Addresses Jim Cornette's Comments About Becky Lynch's Pregnancy
He lost a lot of respect for Cornette...
May 21, 2020
On last week's episode of Monday Night Raw, Becky Lynch relinquished the Raw Women's Championship to Asuka and announced she was pregnant. It is currently unknown if The Man will ever return to the ring, but she will go down in history as one of the greatest women's wrestlers in history.
Lynch and fiance Seth Rollins received an outpouring of support after their announcement, but one person who wasn't happy was former NWA commentator Jim Cornette.
On his podcast, Cornette said: "This is like one of the boys breaking his leg on purpose while he's on top. You can control this. This is not like a f*****g injury. This could have been controlled. It's not like I don’t ever want them to have children but when both of you have top spots where you can make seven f*****g figures a year and blah, blah, blah. Wait three years and have a f*****g baby... If I was Vince I'd be hot because I'd sure be hot if it was my millions of dollars. This is not like an injury that can't be prevented. This could have been controlled and/or timed except they obviously didn't control it or time it. But somebody that young, that age that's achieved that level of success, have a baby? The f**k? Jesus Christ, I am just, I am gobsmacked."
He later added: "If I was Vince I'd start writing pregnancy clauses into every woman's contract because that's just f*****g ludicrous. That was the same thing, Awesome Kong should've been a huge star. When she went to the WWF, I know she's had back problems and had wrestled a lot and that was what seven, eight years ago. When she went up there, she was still coming off that TNA run and she was fantastic and has to come out and announce she's pregnant. This monster. This beast they’ve built. It exposed her, it just exposed everything and obviously that was that. She should have been a huge f*****g deal up there."
Cornette's comments that received the most criticism, however, were when he said Becky's pregnancy would just give Seth "more s**t" to worry about at home.
The former NWA commentator said: "In the overall scheme of life, you can't always be on top in the wrestling business in a million dollar a year spot or more. What is she? Is she 30? Can she be 30-years-old? She's got many more years before the f*****g easy bake oven power gets shut off. She can have all those problems like distended stomach, and stretch marks, and haemorrhoids, and hormone problems, and mood swings, and all the joys of motherhood much later on when she ain't making a million dollars a year. What would you do if your wife came home and said, 'Instead of making a million dollars next year, I'm going to basically just be a raging bitch for the next nine months and then give you more s**t to worry about around the house.'"
Lynch's fiance Seth Rollins addressed Cornette's comments on the After The Bell podcast. The former Universal Champion said he had lost a lot of respect for a man he knew personally and that Cornette's way of thinking "has to be eradicated all round."
"It actually came from one of the more unlikely of sources," The Monday Night Messiah said. "And I don't really want to take too much time to get into it because I don't want to focus on it, but it hurt my feelings on a personal level because Jim Cornette is someone who's a legend in our industry and he's someone that I personally worked with in my time at Ring Of Honor.
"And for him to come out and say some real negative things, some real misogynist things about women in general and pregnancy in the industry, it was just, it kind of caught me off guard and it made me lose a lot of respect for someone who a lot of people had kind of already lost respect for. And I was still holding onto hope that somewhere along the line there was a personal connection between Jim and that he would think twice before making just some egregious comments about women, about my wife… I can't even forgive him. I don't want to repeat them… On a grander scale, the mindset that has to go into that has to be eradicated all round. It's just so disgusting."