
Former WWE Writer Recalls Vince McMahon Giving Life-Time Passes To 3 Fans

A kind gesture from the boss

Former WWE magazine writer Keith Elliot Greenberg has recalled Vince McMahon giving three super-fans lifetime passes to attend any WWE show they wanted. 

Greenberg remembers a time when McMahon took a host of WWE personnel out to dinner following a show in the 1980s. Three sisters, who reguarly attended WWE events, were also invited out for the meal. 

During the dinner, McMahon rewarded the trio by giving them life-time passes for WWE events.

Speaking on the Cheap Heat Productions Podcast, Greenberg said: "It was a range of people. There were employees, there was me, Hulk Hogan was there, and there were these three sisters who were fans and, you know, fans who turned up everywhere.

"And as the meal was ending, Vince handed all three of them lifetime passes to any WWE event. So that’s the part of Vince McMahon I tend to dwell on.

"[Vince McMahon is] somebody who was estranged from his father as a young man, reconnected with his father when he was a young adolescent, fell in love with his father and fell in love with his father’s world, and when he would meet somebody who loved the world that he always wanted to be part of, he would reward those people."

H/T SportsKeeda Wrestling

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Mitch Waddon

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Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com