Kenny Omega's Future Is With All Elite Wrestling... Honest.

I think I've worked it out with maths and everything...

My name is Ross Tweddell and I'm a massive hack. I'm a conspiracy theorist. I hear somebody saying something slightly fanciful and I take it as gospel because there's not much else to cling on to in my pathetic life...

Anyway, when I arrived at the Cultaholic offices today, I was greeted with the rather shocking news that both KUSHIDA and Kenny Omega are leaving New Japan Pro Wrestling. KUSHIDA has retired from the promotion indefinitely, while Kenny is just taking a break.

The wrestling world couldn't, BE any more full with rumour and innuendo at the moment when it comes to The Best Bout Machine's future, and rightfully so. He's bloody good, isn't he? He's easily the top star who isn't signed to WWE in the wrestling world at the moment, isn't he? He's the man who can save WWE from their current plight, just like Messrs Styles and Nakamura were as we headed into 2016... yeah, don't let that put you off, though - Kenny in WWE would be, really, really good you know and don't let anyone tell you otherwise #insight #InTheKnow #Journalist #Opinion #Integrity


We've seen all the reports of WWE offering Omega a groundbreaking deal to try and secure his services in the face of the formation of All Elite Wrestling - a promotion, that according to the internet which is never, ever wrong, is backed by Tony Khan and $100,000,000. That's no lie, the internet actually says $100,000,000... and so far, I've seen nothing to argue that number, so until I do, it's got to be true, right?

While $100 million and Kenny Omega doesn't pose any threat whatsoever to WWE in the grand scheme of things, it's certainly enough to see a promotion gather enough steam to make a noise. Vince McMahon doesn't like noise. He's old and frail, and just wants peace and quiet while he enjoys his da... he's none of those things. He's just ruthless and loves to see unwelcome pests on his turf DIE!

I reckon that despite being offered the world by Vince McMahon, Kenny Omega is going to join his pals in All Elite Wrestling. I especially think this after seeing that NJPW's current working relationship with ROH expires after that MSG show on April 6, opening the door once again for AEW to negotiate.

Kenny Omega will work for both AEW and NJPW, you know. I really think this. I'm not drunk, honest.

First of all, we have to look at Kenny's wording in that interview with Tokyo Sports: "But I need time away, and not just from New Japan,” he says - he's going on a break, he's doing a Ross and Rachel. This isn't a KUSHIDA 'I'm retiring from NJPW' - Kenny's left it all open-ended, and he's done it on purpose.

This is all part of a storyline.

Even though I'm a clown on the internet and there isn't really any more room on my face for more egg, I'm well aware that what I've just said there could leave me with plentiful developing embryo tricking down from my forehead to my chins...

Being The Elite

The single biggest clue about Kenny's future was seen during this week's Being The Elite. It was subtle. If your ears... blinked (?) they will have missed the moment Kenny told a disconsolate Marty Scurll that he had lost his phone.

Could that be the same lost phone that was seen at the end of the episode outside the Tokyo Dome with a ticker sounding in the same place that AEW was revealed by Messrs Rhodes, Jackson and Page on New Year's Eve?

I reckon it is, you know.

Or maybe that's what they want us to believe? I'm confused now... but when all is said and done, Kenny Omega said he lost his phone and then a phone that was clearly lost appeared, making the same noise that Matt, Nick, Cody and Hangman's did in the months leading up to the end of the year so, yeah. TAKE THAT!

Kenny Omega is going to find his phone, by which time the timer will have ticked down to zero and he will reveal another AEW logo and the world will melt. Simples.

But what if somebody else finds the phone and picks it up just as the countdown timer reaches zero...  does that mean that since they were holding the phone at the right moment they've taken Kenny's place?

So many ramifications. So much rumour and innuendo, I need to sit down.

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Ross Tweddell

Written by Ross Tweddell

Written and video journalist for Cultaholic Wrestling | twitter: @rossonrasslin | instagram: @rossonrasslin