
Matt Riddle Undergoes WWE Name Change

Following in the footsteps of Cesaro, Andrade and Neville...

Name changes in WWE have been all the rage over the past couple of months. Denzel Dejournette and Tehuti Miles were renamed Desmond Troy and Ashante "Thee" Adonis in September. Four other NXT talents also received new names recently. Brendan Vink has become Tony Modra, Sidney Bateman will now go by Akeem Young, Omari Palmer has transformed into Odyssey Jones and Daniel Vidot is now known as Xyon Quinn. 

No WWE Superstar has had their name shortened for a while, though. That changed earlier today as WWE has dropped Matt Riddle's forename and he will now just be known as Riddle. PWInsider's Mike Johnson first reported the news and noted the official decision was made earlier today. 

Paul Davis of WrestlingNews.co later revealed Vince McMahon decided to change Riddle's name because he thought it would be better if The King Of Bros just used his last name. 

McMahon has shortened other Superstars' names after they've arrived on the main roster in the past, most famously, Big E, Cesaro, Neville and Andrade.


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Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons