
Several WWE Superstars Suspend Their Twitch Accounts

After WWE decided to take over their accounts...

At the beginning of October, WWE talent were told the company would be taking over their Twitch channels in four weeks. WWE will officially own the accounts and Superstars will receive a percentage of the revenue they generate. Any money they do generate will count against their downside guarantees. WWE has either already taken over or will take over Superstars' Twitch accounts by November 1. 

Several WWE Superstars suspended their Twitch accounts yesterday. AJ Styles posted on the Stylesclash Discord server that he will be suspending his streams because "WWE is making some changes that involve streaming."

Styles wrote: "@everyone, I want to thank you all for the great memories on Mixer and Twitch. I will cherish these memories and I love everyone one of you that have made this possible and supported me. As many of you know WWE is making some changes that involve streaming. We will see what the future holds in that regard. With that being said I will be suspending Stylesclash stream. This isn't good bye, but this is see you sometime in the future. We will leave discord open, but since it won't be monitored we will be making changes. Chris or I will let you know what that looks like once we figure it out. If you see me at the arenas or wherever be sure to let me know you're part of the phenomenal family. Again this isn't the end it's just a pause. Thank you again for your support." 

Mia Yim also tweeted that she won't be doing any more streams for the time being: "Sorry guys, no more stream for the time being. Thank you for making these past few difficult months manageable. It's not goodbye, it's see you later."

Cesaro and Aleister Black & Zelina Vega said they would be suspending their streams on Thursday. If they will return remains to be seen, but Black acknowledged they would be having "a conversation" with WWE at tonight's SmackDown taping.   

Former Divas Champion Paige didn't confirm if she planned to suspend her Twitch account. She was emotional while talking about the situation and said: "I cannot deal with this company anymore. Now I have to make a very important decision. I'm f*****g tired, man. I broke my f*****g neck twice - twice for this company, dude... They don't realise that this community isn't just a f*****g - isn't just about f*****g subs, dude. It isn't about that. We built such a wonderful community. A wonderful f*****g family where this is an escape for a lot of people, including myself. I can't wrestle anymore. I always worked so hard in WWE that I can't wrestle anymore. My neck is f****d. My whole f*****g dreams got taken away from me, dude, and I had to have something that fulfilled that huge f*****g void that I lost with wrestling."

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Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons