
Matt Riddle Wanted To Feud With Kurt Angle In WWE

One more match for The Wrestling Machine could have been on the cards...

Two weeks ago, WWE Hall Of Famer Kurt Angle announced Matt Riddle was joining Friday Night SmackDown and would be making his debut very soon.

The Olympic Gold Medallist has since revealed WWE asked him if he wanted to manage Riddle during his time on the main roster, but Angle turned it down because he is busy with his business Physically Fit Nutrition.

The King Of Bros was asked about the potential partnership during a recent interview with Alex McCarthy at talkSPORT and revealed he actually wanted to feud with Angle. 

Riddle said: "You know what crossed my mind originally [with Kurt Angle]? There's the management thing, but then like in my head, and maybe this is just greedy me, in my head, when I see Kurt Angle, even if I like him and I'm friendly with him, I know the money is in beating up Kurt Angle.

"I was really hoping he was going to cost me the cage match and then The Bro was going to snap and beat up Kurt Angle! Some deadlift Germans to an Olympic Gold Medallist from the Stallion? You telling me everybody at home wouldn't be like 'No he didn't just dump him on his head!' - because that's what I do! It would have been crazy."

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons