
Brooke Hogan: Hulk Hogan Has Learned From His Past Mistakes

Hogan has been marred in controversy in recent years

Brooke Hogan says her father, Hulk Hogan, has 'obviously learned' from his past mistakes.

Hogan, one of the most iconic wrestlers ever, has found himself marred in controversy over the years, most notably for being heard to use racist language in a leaked sex tape of the WWE Hall Of Famer.

Hogan's actions led to him being excluded from WWE events for many years, although the promotion has recently begun bringing him back into the fold, with the 68-year-old returning to co-host WrestleMania 37 this year.

While some have still not forgiven Hulk for his behaviour, his daughter Brooke says he has learned from his errors and from being held accountable.

Speaking during an interview with Hollywood Raw, Brooke said: "People say stuff in jest, people saying stuff joking, whatever — I think my Dad, from what I knew and listen, I don’t know what scandal we’re talking about because there’s been a few — but overall, if it's saying something, if it’s doing something, obviously he’s learned.

"And I think when it comes to saying things, I grew up in a ‘South Park’ era. That was stuff where saying the word ‘gay’ didn’t mean gay [in the defined sense]. It meant like, ‘Dude, you’re stupid’ and that was just the culture that we grew around.

“I think what’s nice about society today, even though it is like a cancel culture, the benefit of what’s happening is people are becoming more aware of what comes out of their mouth. These things that you speak are old school things or whatever it is, I don’t even think sometimes that people know the depth of what they’re saying mean.

"I think it’s great that we’re bringing light to it and saying, ‘Hey, you can’t say that because that represents that time in this culture’s life and it was really oppressive. That’s actually not cool to say.’ So I think that just in general, not only my Dad, but me, my friends, people I grew up with, everybody’s being a bit more careful and conscience and that’s nice because as a group of human beings on this Earth that have a whisper of time in the span of eternity, we’re all having this higher consciousness, our consciousness is raising and we’re coming together.

"In my heart of hearts, I don’t fully believe we are so separated by media and what side you stand on politically, this and that."

H/T WrestleZone

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