
Report: Vince McMahon Gives Up On Another WWE Raw Superstar

Vince McMahon's Trash Heap Continues To Grow...

Back in February, it was revealed that Vince McMahon had given up on pushing Cedric Alexander as a star on Monday Night Raw as he “sees nothing” in him. Since then, Queen City’s Favourite Son has been used as a jobber, recently losing to Riddick Moss on an episode of Main Event.

Losing to the 24/7 Champion is seemingly where pushes go to die as Dave Meltzer revealed on Wrestling Observer Radio that McMahon has also given up on Ricochet.

Meltzer said: “Ricochet’s done, yeah. It’s Vince, he may change his mind next week, but yeah, this week he’s done, he’s so done. This was a burial without a doubt. You know, he (Vince McMahon) just gets these things in his head, like with Cedric Alexander who was supposed to get a big push and Vince just buried the guy. Now he’s burying another guy.”

This only added to the former United States Champion’s misery as he lost to Brock Lesnar in 90 seconds at Super ShowDown in a match in which he failed to land a single piece of offence.  

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons