
Santino Marella Details John Cena's Reaction To The Cobra

The top star encouraged Santino to use the unconventional finisher

In a recent appearance as a guest on Stories with Brisco and Bradshaw, former WWE star Santino Marella detailed how he came up with The Cobra. 

"I was at a bar, just drinking at a bar. And some guy, his name is Taro, he just showed me this thing where he just transform his arm into this little snake puppet thing. And I didn't even get it at the time. I looked at my buddy and I go 'what is that?' 'Ah, it's just a funny thing he does, you know?'. I said 'okay'. And then the next time I saw him, he asked me 'do you remember how to do it? You do this thing, then you hold and you do a little wooden puppet'. And you know, we laughed about it again and that was it.

"Fast forward like five years, and I'm at a house show in Atlanta. I think I was wrestling Chavo or Carlito. And I said 'you know what? I'm going to try something in my comeback. I'm going to do jab, jab, jab, this arm transformation, hit you with it, turn away, and I'll do a schoolboy'. And it's funny, I used to call it the 'Schoolboy From Hell" actually".

The 'Schoolboy From Hell' was a regular part of The Milan Miracle's house show routine, and was endorsed by one of WWE's top stars before it eventually made its way to television. 

"So I did it at a live event. I told John Cena, I said 'hey watch this, I'm going to try something'. And I did the Cobra and the audience laughed, like, the first time. I stood there, made this face, did the whole thing, hit him with it, rolled him. I came back and he goes 'I would keep that if I were you, that was funny as hell'.

"It was only on live events. And then one day I was at RAW, and Ricky Steamboat was the producer. I was wrestling Zack Ryder and he goes 'you're going over with the Cobra'. And I'm like 'Cobra?'. He goes 'yeah, Vince wants to see the Cobra'. And I'm like 'Vince knows about the Cobra?'. And he goes 'yeah, he's been reading the reports and he wants to see the Cobra'. I was like 'ah okay'.

"Anyway, I did the Cobra. Three weeks, it took three weeks of doing it on television before I would gesture for it. And I remember almost being blown away like in shock. I would see in the corner, like in my peripheral vision, the audience jumping out of their seats, like, screaming. For the Cobra? Are you guys okay? You guys are settling. There's not really much to it, you know?".

H/T Wrestling Inc.

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for Cultaholic.com and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.