
10 Best WWE Bodyguards

It has been 28 years since WWE became 'Diesel powered'...

7. J&J Security

J j security seth rollins

While most wrestling bodyguards tend to be a fair bit larger than the body they are guarding, there are exceptions to the rule. 

Former WWE stars who were then working as backstage personnel, Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury got an on-screen role as J&J Security, punching bags for the Authority's Seth Rollins. 

The unit worked because they could both use strength in numbers and justifiably get their behinds handed to them, which happened on several occasions. 

Noted workers in their own right, Mercury and Noble competed in multi-man matches as part of the gig, too, teaming up with the Architect in what were often TV main events. 

J&J were at their best when they were being thrown around, however, which was perfectly demonstrated when they got on the wrong side of Brock Lesnar, who proceeded to take not just them, but their new Cadillac, apart. 

The bodyguard function eventually ran its course and J&J were written out of the storylines, but they left an impression in the time that they were around. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.