
10 Best WWE Bodyguards

It has been 28 years since WWE became 'Diesel powered'...

2. The APA

The acolyte protection agency apa

There have been countless instances of WWE taking two talented performers who are doing nothing, teaming them up and hoping for the best. 

It doesn't always work, but when it does it can be magical. 

Fortunately for Ron Simmons and Bradshaw, they swam instead of sinking, first as the Acolytes (as members of The Undertaker's nefarious Ministry of Darkness), and then as the Acolyte Protection Agency. 

Though while they were aligned with the Deadman they were good value, winning a couple of Tag Team Championships and having a series of decent brawls with teams such as the Hardys and the Dudleys, it was when they transitioned into hired muscle and, crucially, were allowed to replicate their backstage personas on camera, that the two really took off. 

The APA were formed in early 2000 and didn't care whether they were protecting a babyface or a heel, so long as they got paid and were allowed to drink beer and play cards in their makeshift office. 

When their pounding music hit, you knew sh*t was on and that somebody was more than likely going to get their head kicked in. 

The APA managed to last in various forms until the Spring of 2004, when they finally parted ways, allowing JBL to emerge as a main eventer. 

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.