
10 Best WWE Finishing Moves

The best WWE finishers ever!

8. The Sharpshooter

Bret hart sharpshooter summerslam 1991

The Sharpshooter originated in Japan, with New Japan star and booker Rikki Choshu inventing what he called the sasori-gatame, AKA the Scorpion Hold. 

It makes sense, then, that WCW’s Sting would pinch it and call it the The Scorpion Deathlock. 

When Bret Hart was embarking on a solo career after the breakup of the Hart Foundation tag team, Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson told him that he needed to come up with a good submission finisher to help stand out.

The Hitman suggested the Scorpion Deathlock and, since he’d never done the move before, asked Konnan (then wrestling as Max Moon) to demonstrate it to him in the showers. 

One incorrect version of its origins (often parroted by fans and commentators) is that Hart family Patriarch Stu taught Bret the move in his infamous basement ‘dungeon’.

Regardless, it fit the Excellence of Execution like a pink-and-black glove and he used the Sharpshooter to great effect during his WWE career. 

It has since become something of a rite of passage for Canadian wrestlers to use it, with Chris Benoit, Edge, Tyson Kidd and Natalya all doing so. 

However, Bret’s remains the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. 

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Written by Cultaholic