
10 Best WWE Finishing Moves

The best WWE finishers ever!

5. The F5

Brock lesnar f5 bobby lashley elimination chamber 2023

While stationed in WWE feeder farm Ohio Valley Wrestling, Brock Lesnar would occasionally win matches with a spectacular Shooting Star Press.  

Doing that four nights a week as a member of the main WWE roster, however, would not lend itself to longevity, so The Next Big Thing had to come up with an alternative. 

As Brock tells it, he was watching Japanese wrestling tapes and messing about doing different things in practice when he came up with the move, which sees him pick somebody up on his shoulders in a fireman’s carry, before transitioning into a kind of spinning elevated DDT. The move's name is a reference to an F5 tornado, which is certainly apt. 

While the F5 wouldn’t be a good finisher for a lot of wrestlers, a freak of nature like Lesnar had no issues with getting anyone up there, including superheavyweights like Mark Henry, Rikishi and The Big Show. 

Interestingly, Brock wasn’t even the first person to do the move, as variations had been done by both Sean O’Haire and Brian Adams months before Lesnar’s debut, but it was The Beast who popularised it and made it one of the best in WWE history.

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Written by Cultaholic