
10 Best WWE Finishing Moves

The best WWE finishers ever!

3. Sweet Chin Music

Shawn michaels sweet chin music turn hulk hogan 2005

During Shawn Michaels’ early WWE solo run, he used a variation of the back suplex called the ‘teardrop suplex’. 

It was alright for a while, but hardly the sort of match-ender befitting such a talented star on the rise. 

At some point, The Heartbreak Kid started doing the superkick (a move he used as a setup for the Teardrop), which he openly admits to stealing from former World Class Championship Wrestling standout Gentleman Chris Adams, who Michaels watched on television at home in Texas.

The Lone Star Statesman dubbed his version Sweet Chin Music and tinkered with it over time, with Michaels often setting it up by ‘tuning up the band’ and stomping his foot to build anticipation. 

The Sweet Chin Music was a fantastic finisher for HBK, as he nailed it perfectly 99% of the time and it looked like a true knockout blow. 

He could hit it instantly and on anyone, while also nailing guys with it as they were jumping off the top rope. 

His opponents, meanwhile, could easily counter it by either catching Shawn’s foot or ducking out of the way, which helped him tease it during the course of the match. 

As with Jake Roberts and the DDT, a million wrestlers might use the superkick, but The Showstopper’s remains the standard.

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Written by Cultaholic