
10 Biggest WWE Stars To Never Have An Action Figure

Not every WWE star gets an action figure

5. Paul Roma

Paul roma

If you’re going to join a wrestling company, then you might as well join it in one of the pivotal years in its history. 

That’s what Paul Roma did when he rocked up in 1984, the year that Hulk Hogan became WWE Champion and set in motion one of the most important periods of the company’s entire existence. 

In his early days with the company, Roma wrestled as a face and scored wins over the likes of Bret Hart and Randy Savage. He then became a Young Stallion alongside Jim Powers, before joining up with Hercules Hernadez to form his most popular act - Power and Glory.

Roma came to Herc’s rescue after an attack by Rick “The Model” Martel and the two would team together for the next year or so. 

They wrestled a programme with The Hart Foundation over the tag team titles, with The Hitman apparently saying that they were the best tag team he’d ever seen. Although, that quote comes from Roma himself, so take it with a cement mixer full of salt.

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Written by Cultaholic