
10 Biggest WWE Stars To Never Have An Action Figure

Not every WWE star gets an action figure

4. Leilani Kai

Leilani kai

It might have changed sports entertainment forever, but the first WrestleMania was honestly a bit crap. 

In terms of major matches, there were only two really big ones. One was the main event pitting Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff against Hulk Hogan and Mr. T, and the other was the highly anticipated bout over the Women’s Championship. 

Wendi Richter was the plucky challenger for the gold, looking to regain the belt after losing it a few weeks earlier. There was a significant buzz around her, because she would have pop sensation Cyndi Lauper in her corner.

On the other side of the ring was Leilani Kai, the villainous champion who had dethroned Richter in the first place, with the Fabulous Moolah as her manager.

Kai dropping the title back to Richter on this night played a huge part in the success of WrestleMania 1 and, you could argue, the entire future success of the company. 

Whilst Wendi finally got a figure back in 2020, the same honour has not been bestowed upon her former foe.

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Written by Cultaholic