
10 Most Ridiculous WWE Oversells

There have been at least 10 historically ridiculous WWE oversells

9. Rick Rude after An Atomic Drop

Rick rude atomic drop sell

There were several things that made up Ravishing Rick Rude’s memorable WWE routine. 

There was the audience and opponent insulting pre-match promo, the elaborate removal of the robe and the posing and flexing of those lovely muscles of his. And that was all before the bell had even rung. 

Once the match officially started, Rick had an altogether different routine that often included elaborate selljobs. 

One of the best and most ludicrous aspects of this was the running gag of Rude’s reaction whenever he took an atomic drop. Wide-eyed, standing on tip-toes and sticking out his svelte backside like a bee bit his bottom and now his bottom big, Rude would react to this standard move as if it were the most painful finisher in the world. 

The former Intercontinental Champion continued this in WCW and beyond and these days there’s even a whole Twitter account dedicated to posting clips of this particular oversell. 

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Written by Cultaholic