
10 Most Ridiculous WWE Oversells

There have been at least 10 historically ridiculous WWE oversells

7. Batista after Mark Henry's light Push

Batista mark henry push oversell

This probably won’t come as much of a shock to you, but Mark Henry was strong. He was strong enough to bend frying pans, strong enough to pull two tractor-trailers at once and he was strong enough to break a steel padlock in order to rip the cage door off its hinges. 

Those were all shoots, brother. 

What Mark Henry was not strong enough to do, however, was launch Batista all the way across the ring with a simple push to the chest. 

Well, actually, Mark Henry might have been capable of shoving The Animal across the ring, but it still looked ridiculous when it happened on the May 10, 2010, episode of Raw. 

Perhaps if Big Dave had done it in one smooth motion it would have looked alright, but he first took a couple of steps backwards and seemed to look over his shoulder to ensure nobody was behind him before taking a delayed bump.

To be fair, maybe Batista was just mentally checked out at this point, since he knew he was leaving the company just a couple of weeks later.

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Written by Cultaholic