
10 Most Ridiculous WWE Oversells

There have been at least 10 historically ridiculous WWE oversells

2. Dean Ambrose after Seth Rollins' Stomp

Dean ambrose stomp oversell

I noted earlier in this video that Batista’s oversell may have been because the former WWE Champion was mentally checked out when he flew backwards for Mark Henry just a fortnight before he walked out of the promotion. 

It’s fair to say that Dean Ambrose was probably feeling the same when he took on Seth Rollins on the January 28, 2019, episode of Raw. 

In the night’s first contest, the two ex-Shield members went at it in a rather ordinary match that went around 12 minutes. 

The bulk of the action was unremarkable, but the ending spoke to The Lunatic Fringe’s mindset at the time. Receiving Seth’s Curb Stomp finisher, Ambrose first took the standard face-first front bump, then got immediately back to his feet, only to then take a big ol’ back bump and, as an exclamation point, flop like a dead fish prior to being pinned. 

A day later, announced that Dean Ambrose would not be re-signing with the company when it expired in April. 

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Written by Cultaholic