
10 Most Shocking WWE Royal Rumble Eliminations

The most shocking WWE Royal Rumble eliminations in history!

4. Mr. McMahon Eliminates Steve Austin - 1999

Vince mcmahon royal rumble 1999

The 1999 Royal Rumble was not one for the purists. Very much a product of its era – that’s the Attitude Era, of course – the ’99 Rumble was a storyline-heavy affair that revolved around the day’s hottest feud: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon. 

Drawing numbers one and two, the pair had a hot start and then brawled throughout the arena, before Stone Cold encountered the Ministry of Darkness and was laid out.

He managed to return to the fold and, all told, eliminated eight people before it got down to where it all started – Austin vs. McMahon.

The smart money would be on the Bionic Redneck scoring his third Rumble win on the bounce, and that very much looked to be the case after a Stone Cold Stunner. That was evidently the cue for WWE Champion The Rock to make his presence felt, though, as he distracted his arch-rival enough to allow the Genetic Jackhammer to bundle Austin over the top.

Mr. McMahon had won the Royal Rumble with his sole elimination of the contest, after spending much of it either getting a mudhole stomped in him or providing commentary from the announce desk. 

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Written by Cultaholic