10 Times Kyle O'Reilly's Face Was Too Good For This World
NXT's Undisputed (Era) Expression Champion... that's probably the worst sub heading I'll ever write.

Sep 5, 2018
During the course of this article I may come across as the biggest Kyle O'Reilly fanboy this side of his own mother, but I don't care. I see it written so many times online that the Undisputed Era member is "
too pure for this earth"
due to his skills in the ring and on the ol' GEETAR, and quite frankly, that's the most obvious thing anyone has ever said. Ever.
While Adam Cole steals all of the headlines revolving around the NXT Tag Team Championship winning stable, it's O'Reilly who steals the hearts of those who watch the weekly show closely. Obviously, like everyone in WWE's yellow brand, Kyle has his massive marquee moments in matches, but it's the little things that set him apart from the pack. Even when the camera is focussed on something on the other side of the shot, if you keep your eyes on Kyle, you always know you're going to see something that will be GIFfed around the world and back again - this article proves that to no end.
Kyle is cut from the same cloth as the likes of Kevin Owens in that he's not just great between the ropes, but he also truly understands the entertainment side of
Sports Entertainment
. He's a gift that keeps on giving - and a GIF that keeps on GIFing - and it's an absolute pleasure to celebrate him right now as we focus on his very animated face.
First of all, I'd like to apologise for the shoddy camera work of Roddy Strong, and secondly, ask you if you know anybody who can use their guitar to better their tan? You don't know anybody, do you?
Kyle O'Reilly is one of a kind - just look at how majestic he looks as he falls asleep while using an instrument to get a better tan. Who would even think of using a guitar to strengthen the sun's rays in the first place? We don't deserve Kyle, and stuff like this proves it.
[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="https://cultaholic.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/rendi-Important_-Kyle-O’Reilly-adjusting-the-tuning-of-his-guitar-belt.mp4"][/video]
We're forever seeing our favourite WWE Superstars prepare for a massive match by hitting the gym twice as hard as they normally do, getting their body into the best shape its ever been.
Not Kyle O'Reilly - he knows how good he is between the ropes, so what's the point in trying to improve on perfection? You're just wasting energy there - energy that is put to waaaaaay better use by making sure the Undisputed Era's entrance is just as good as it could be.
As we all know, Kyle performs live each and every time he walks down the ramp with an NXT Tag Team Championship in his arms, so it's only right that he tirelessly makes sure his guitar is in tune before taking it out there in front of thousands.
The concentration on his face, man. That's dedication to his craft right there. He's an artist.
Even when he's in mountains of pain, Kyle's face is an absolute joy to behold.
Alright, maybe it should be the dastardly fingers of Peter DOOOOOOOOONE (as Kyle calls him) we should be thanking here, but you just can't imagine the same hilarity ensuing if Peter was laying the smacketh down on the chops of Roddy Strong, or any other member of the NXT roster for that matter.
Whether it be on the attack, or while taking a beating, Kyle's face is the best.
Nevermind a child on Christmas morning, Kyle O'Reilly looks like a middle-aged man who has just arrived in the sweets aisle on Woolworths to find a box of succulent giant strawbs untouched.
Imagine being this excited for Roddy Strong joining your faction? I know that
Rod is one of the most respected workers there is in the world of professional wrestling today, and his skills between the ropes are matched by very few - but bloody hell he's been really boring in NXT, hasn't he? The fact that Kyle was able to get this excited for somebody as objectively boring as Roddy just proves he's too pure for this world.
Danny Burch, know your role, and please keep on making delusional comments that forces Kyle O'Reilly's face to do things like this. Because it's great.
[video width="640" height="360" mp4="https://cultaholic.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/How-dare-you.mp4"][/video]
Peter DOOOOOOOOONE, you need to know your role as well, and please keep on making insulting comments towards The Undisputed Era that forces Kyle O'Reilly, and his wonderful head, to give us classic soundbites like this.
Moments like this displays what I was talking about in the intro. At this stage of the segment, the focus is very much on Peter DOOOOOOOOONE and Adam Cole, yet Kyle still manages to steal the show. He just gets it, doesn't he? There are simply not enough Superstars in WWE today who get it, is there?
He hadn't slept in 196 hours and 17 minutes for crying out loud! How on earth can you expect somebody who hasn't slept in 196 hours and 17 minutes to beat Moustache Mountain?!
I concede, this entry isn't really about his face even though his face does a great job of displaying just how tired he is, but this is a moment that clearly shows what I meant in the intro when I said Kyle just gets the entertainment part of Sports Entertainment - very few people can produce stuff like this in WWE today.
Maggle Cole will explode when Kyle arrives on the main roster. "VINTAGE KYLE O'REILLY," he will scream, as Kyle plays his Raw Tag Team Championship guitar down the ramp.
We all know that Kyle is simply copying Hollywood Hulk Hogan here, but we don't care. The man has taken what Hollywood made famous 20 years ago, and evolved it tenfold.
O'Reilly's guitar playing > Hollywood's guitar playing
Say 'O'nry' phonetically and that entry title makes
sense if you know what I think you know, you know?!
A little while back, former France and Arsenal striker Thierry Henry went viral on the internets by doing exactly what Kyle did here. And much like Kyle took Hogan's guitar playing and made it his own, he took Henry's dancing lips and unleashed them on the delusional Danny Burch - once again, Danny, keep on spouting absolute nonsense so Kyle keeps producing the goods, please!
And before you roll your eyes at the last two entries, this isn't stealing. When you're that good at copying something it simply can't be classed as stealing.
The pièce de résistance. That is all. Thank you Ricochet for making Kyle do this - and also credit to the cameraman for that subtle zoom to make this moment all the more GIFfable.
I think it's safe to say that there are many more Kyle O'Reilly faces to come.
During the course of this article I may come across as the biggest Kyle O'Reilly fanboy this side of his own mother, but I don't care. I see it written so many times online that the Undisputed Era member is "
too pure for this earth"
due to his skills in the ring and on the ol' GEETAR, and quite frankly, that's the most obvious thing anyone has ever said. Ever.
While Adam Cole steals all of the headlines revolving around the NXT Tag Team Championship winning stable, it's O'Reilly who steals the hearts of those who watch the weekly show closely. Obviously, like everyone in WWE's yellow brand, Kyle has his massive marquee moments in matches, but it's the little things that set him apart from the pack. Even when the camera is focussed on something on the other side of the shot, if you keep your eyes on Kyle, you always know you're going to see something that will be GIFfed around the world and back again - this article proves that to no end.
Kyle is cut from the same cloth as the likes of Kevin Owens in that he's not just great between the ropes, but he also truly understands the entertainment side of
Sports Entertainment
. He's a gift that keeps on giving - and a GIF that keeps on GIFing - and it's an absolute pleasure to celebrate him right now as we focus on his very animated face.
First of all, I'd like to apologise for the shoddy camera work of Roddy Strong, and secondly, ask you if you know anybody who can use their guitar to better their tan? You don't know anybody, do you?
Kyle O'Reilly is one of a kind - just look at how majestic he looks as he falls asleep while using an instrument to get a better tan. Who would even think of using a guitar to strengthen the sun's rays in the first place? We don't deserve Kyle, and stuff like this proves it.
[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="https://cultaholic.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/rendi-Important_-Kyle-O’Reilly-adjusting-the-tuning-of-his-guitar-belt.mp4"][/video]
We're forever seeing our favourite WWE Superstars prepare for a massive match by hitting the gym twice as hard as they normally do, getting their body into the best shape its ever been.
Not Kyle O'Reilly - he knows how good he is between the ropes, so what's the point in trying to improve on perfection? You're just wasting energy there - energy that is put to waaaaaay better use by making sure the Undisputed Era's entrance is just as good as it could be.
As we all know, Kyle performs live each and every time he walks down the ramp with an NXT Tag Team Championship in his arms, so it's only right that he tirelessly makes sure his guitar is in tune before taking it out there in front of thousands.
The concentration on his face, man. That's dedication to his craft right there. He's an artist.
Even when he's in mountains of pain, Kyle's face is an absolute joy to behold.
Alright, maybe it should be the dastardly fingers of Peter DOOOOOOOOONE (as Kyle calls him) we should be thanking here, but you just can't imagine the same hilarity ensuing if Peter was laying the smacketh down on the chops of Roddy Strong, or any other member of the NXT roster for that matter.
Whether it be on the attack, or while taking a beating, Kyle's face is the best.
Nevermind a child on Christmas morning, Kyle O'Reilly looks like a middle-aged man who has just arrived in the sweets aisle on Woolworths to find a box of succulent giant strawbs untouched.
Imagine being this excited for Roddy Strong joining your faction? I know that
Rod is one of the most respected workers there is in the world of professional wrestling today, and his skills between the ropes are matched by very few - but bloody hell he's been really boring in NXT, hasn't he? The fact that Kyle was able to get this excited for somebody as objectively boring as Roddy just proves he's too pure for this world.
Danny Burch, know your role, and please keep on making delusional comments that forces Kyle O'Reilly's face to do things like this. Because it's great.
[video width="640" height="360" mp4="https://cultaholic.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/How-dare-you.mp4"][/video]
Peter DOOOOOOOOONE, you need to know your role as well, and please keep on making insulting comments towards The Undisputed Era that forces Kyle O'Reilly, and his wonderful head, to give us classic soundbites like this.
Moments like this displays what I was talking about in the intro. At this stage of the segment, the focus is very much on Peter DOOOOOOOOONE and Adam Cole, yet Kyle still manages to steal the show. He just gets it, doesn't he? There are simply not enough Superstars in WWE today who get it, is there?
He hadn't slept in 196 hours and 17 minutes for crying out loud! How on earth can you expect somebody who hasn't slept in 196 hours and 17 minutes to beat Moustache Mountain?!
I concede, this entry isn't really about his face even though his face does a great job of displaying just how tired he is, but this is a moment that clearly shows what I meant in the intro when I said Kyle just gets the entertainment part of Sports Entertainment - very few people can produce stuff like this in WWE today.
Maggle Cole will explode when Kyle arrives on the main roster. "VINTAGE KYLE O'REILLY," he will scream, as Kyle plays his Raw Tag Team Championship guitar down the ramp.
We all know that Kyle is simply copying Hollywood Hulk Hogan here, but we don't care. The man has taken what Hollywood made famous 20 years ago, and evolved it tenfold.
O'Reilly's guitar playing > Hollywood's guitar playing
Say 'O'nry' phonetically and that entry title makes
sense if you know what I think you know, you know?!
A little while back, former France and Arsenal striker Thierry Henry went viral on the internets by doing exactly what Kyle did here. And much like Kyle took Hogan's guitar playing and made it his own, he took Henry's dancing lips and unleashed them on the delusional Danny Burch - once again, Danny, keep on spouting absolute nonsense so Kyle keeps producing the goods, please!
And before you roll your eyes at the last two entries, this isn't stealing. When you're that good at copying something it simply can't be classed as stealing.
The pièce de résistance. That is all. Thank you Ricochet for making Kyle do this - and also credit to the cameraman for that subtle zoom to make this moment all the more GIFfable.
I think it's safe to say that there are many more Kyle O'Reilly faces to come.