
10 Worst WWE PPV Endings Ever

WWE have ended some PPVs on an absolutely awful note

8. SummerSlam 2003

Triple h goldberg summerslam 2003

WWE, to their discredit, pretty much fumbled Goldberg from the off. 

The former WCW World Heavyweight Champion was still a popular force of nature and was able to show glimpses of his old self here and there, but stuff like booking that bizarre segment with Goldust and having Goldberg sell a lot in long matches with The Rock and Chris Jericho diminished his aura. 

Finally, several months into his run, Goldberg got the chance to show just what he was all about. 

At SummerSlam 2003, Da’ Man entered the World Heavyweight Title Elimination Chamber match fifth and set about tearing apart Jericho, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels, eliminating all three men in dominant fashion. 

That just left the champion, Triple H, standing between Goldberg and the big gold belt. Well, Triple H and Ric Flair, who slid The Cerebral Assassin a sledgehammer, allowing him to retain the title in limp fashion.

Fans were so into Goldberg and were desperate to see him win the title here, with this result once again halting his momentum. 

WWE will argue that they had to have Triple H go over, since he was injured and could put Goldberg over ‘the right way’ a month later, but Goldberg’s Unforgiven victory seemed hollow after this. 

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Written by Cultaholic