
10 Worst WWE PPV Endings Ever

WWE have ended some PPVs on an absolutely awful note

7. WrestleMania 27

The miz wrestlemania 27 win

WrestleMania 27 was another ‘Mania entry that really didn’t live up to its Showcase of the Immortals tagline. 

There were a couple of decent matches on offer, sure, and the No Holds Barred brawl between The Undertaker and Triple H was one of the better matches of the year, but overall it felt like a massive letdown given the hype. 

That feeling had a lot to do with how the show ended. 

The Miz defending the WWE Title against John Cena didn’t feel like a WrestleMania main event and the pedestrian action played out like something you’d see on an average episode of Raw from that era. 

WWE tried to inject some intrigue by having it first end in a double count-out, only for WrestleMania host The Rock to come out and restart the match before costing John Cena the contest as a receipt for the AA he’d received six days earlier. 

The Dwayne Johnson Variety Hour continued as he gave the concussed champ a People’s Elbow and celebrated as the show faded to black.

None of this worked and it was grating how obvious WWE were being in using the finish as an opportunity to help set up next year’s ‘Mania main event.

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Written by Cultaholic