5 Most Incredible Backstage Controversies In WWE WrestleMania History
'Mania night doesn't always go the way Vince McMahon would like it to...

Apr 2, 2020
Enough of the constructed drama and sentimental storytelling - how about a little bit of dirt?
After all, what would the wonderful world of the internet wrestling community be without grit and grime spilling out of the continuous rumour mill? WrestleMania has certainly not been immune to delectable tales, either - the history of the event is filled with incredible stories taking place not too far beyond the entrance facade.
Arguments, fights, disagreements over the booking of the events, you name it: WrestleMania has played host to real-life stories that are just as fascinating as the ones that were written.
Just picking five backstage controversies out of 35 years of history is only scratching the surface of what an intense, high-pressure, acrimonious atmosphere an event of WrestleMania's magnitude can be. But when it comes to the absolute most notable backstage stories of Manias past, these are the ones that come to mind.
So without any further ado, here are the five most incredible backstage controversies in the history of WrestleMania.
Enough of the constructed drama and sentimental storytelling - how about a little bit of dirt?
After all, what would the wonderful world of the internet wrestling community be without grit and grime spilling out of the continuous rumour mill? WrestleMania has certainly not been immune to delectable tales, either - the history of the event is filled with incredible stories taking place not too far beyond the entrance facade.
Arguments, fights, disagreements over the booking of the events, you name it: WrestleMania has played host to real-life stories that are just as fascinating as the ones that were written.
Just picking five backstage controversies out of 35 years of history is only scratching the surface of what an intense, high-pressure, acrimonious atmosphere an event of WrestleMania's magnitude can be. But when it comes to the absolute most notable backstage stories of Manias past, these are the ones that come to mind.
So without any further ado, here are the five most incredible backstage controversies in the history of WrestleMania.
"The Nature Boy" hit quite a gusher in his heated WWF title bout with Macho Man Randy Savage, blading himself after being sent face-first into the guardrail. The big problem was that the loss of blood was not authorised.
In a much more sanitised period for WWF, Flair and Savage had gone into business for themselves, and an irate Vince McMahon fined Flair heavily for cutting himself. Some reports even claim that Flair was almost fired for doing so.
While Bret Hart himself bladed earlier in the night, he was discreet, and he and opponent Roddy Piper passed it off as accidental hardway blood. Flair, however, wasn't so subtle.
Earlier that very same night, McMahon found himself in a highly-contentious situation with Jake Roberts. The ageing veteran had demanded his release sometime earlier, due to being passed over for Pat Patterson's vacated backstage position, but was denied.
But Roberts had a plan. With a WCW contract waiting for him as soon as he escaped WWF, he demanded his release again - on the night of WrestleMania, shortly before going out to wrestle The Undertaker. If he didn't get it, he was going to no-show the planned match.
Roberts' simple game of hardball netted him his written release then and there. He then put Undertaker over, and was gone from the company.
It looked for all the world like Roman Reigns was going to leave WrestleMania 31 as WWE champion after conquering the unconquerable Brock Lesnar. This was in spite of open crowd disdain for Reigns as the next top guy.
Plans changed during the show when WWE, apparently having seconds thoughts on Reigns, drafted a new finish with maybe an hour to go before the main event. Here, Seth Rollins, via the magic briefcase, would abscond with the gold.
The shocking rewrite reportedly didn't sit well with the Anoa'i wrestling family that was on hand to see Reigns' crowning moment. The Wrestling Observer reported that Roman's father, former wrestler Sika, was especially apoplectic behind the scenes, and there was nearly an incident.
Plagued by dire back issues, Shawn Michaels was about to drop the WWF belt to Steve Austin. Unpopular at the time due to his attitude and antics, Michaels wasn't getting much empathy backstage, either.
Stories have surfaced claiming that The Undertaker taped up his fists by the Gorilla Position before the match to let Michaels know that if he didn't do right by Austin and the company, a beating was coming.
Michaels, by his own admission, also flipped out after the show over Mike Tyson draping an Austin t-shirt over his face. While Austin, Tyson, and Vince McMahon's post-show press conference was going on, a frazzled Michaels was out in the hallway cursing out Shane McMahon, before storming out of the venue.
WrestleMania 1 needed to be a major success or else Vince McMahon's ambitious attempt at a national wrestling promotion could fall by the wayside. He loaded up 'Mania with generous star power, including famed roughneck Mr. T as Hulk Hogan's partner in the main event.
But Mr. T had concerns - he and opponent Rowdy Roddy Piper didn't like each other in the slightest. Mr. T also didn't trust Piper, and, fearing that Piper might actually shoot on him, the A-Team star wanted to bail on the show in the eleventh hour.
Hogan and others were able to convince Mr. T that it would be okay, and in fact Piper and T worked well enough together during their shared parts of the match. And, of course, WrestleMania was a rousing success.