AEW All Out 2024 Results
Everything that went down at AEW All Out 2024
Sep 8, 2024
Just a few weeks from All In Wembley Stadium and it was time for All Out, with the sixth annual supershow coming once again from sweet home Chicago, Illinois.
But what happened at All Out? Titles were contested, bloody scores were settled, and new ones were started. We have all the results after the jump.
The Acclaimed def. Iron Savages - Zero Hour Pre-Show
No freestyle from Max Caster in Chi-Town, but Anthony Bowens and Daddy Ass were still game for some scissoring at least. Iron Savages Jacked Jameson had a mic though, and ran down Daddy Ass before pimping the newest Savage Sauce.
Bowens used his agility to outmanoeuvre Bronson, with Caster hitting a diving hurricanrana on Boulder to gain control. The Iron Savages soon found themselves on the front-foot, as MxM Connection watched on from backstage, but when Caster tried lifting Boulder and gaining momentum his knees gave out. Big Bossman slam by Bronson levelled Caster, before Boulder channelled Super Crazy and hit a gorgeous Bret’s rope moonsault for two. Bronson missed a diving headbutt which allowed Caster to make the hot tag to Bowens, Bowens running wild with kicks and a Fameasser.
Mic Drop attempt was intercepted by Boulder, but again Caster went to hoist up the big man to no avail. Boulder got Caster up for a powerbomb, then simultaneously caught Bowens mid-dive and planted both men. Iron Savages hit the Avalanche on Caster for a nearfall, threw Bowens around like a football, but missed a tandem cannonball onto The Acclaimed in the corner. Billy Gunn and Jacked Jameson tangled on the floor as Caster got Boulder up for an F-U. Mic Drop, 1-2-3 for the former AEW World Tag Team Champions.
Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, & Hologram def. Premier Athletes - Zero Hour Pre-Show
Guevara came quick out of the traps with Tony Nese, but was soon worked over by Nese and Ariya Daivari. The impressive Hologram soon tagged in and peppered all three Premier Athletes with kicks, before levelling Josh Woods with a headscissors, and getting a nearfall on Nese with a standing Spanish Fly. Woods hit a lovely flying knee as hologram rebounded for a mid-air cutter, as the Chicago crowd chanted for Dustin Rhodes.
Smart Mark Sterling put the boots into Hologram as the ref was distracted, with Woods continuing the assault in the ring after Hologram slipped on the top rope. Hologram regrouped to flatten Woods with a headscissor then finally tagged in Rhodes to a big pop. ‘The Natural’ hit a series of textbook powerslams, then a pinpoint Destroyer on Tony Nese. Sammy and Hologram hit tandem moonsaults to the floor as Dustin rolled out with a cannonball, but The Athletes soon fought back, hoisting Hologram from the floor to the ring for a Woods powerbomb. Woods and Nese double teamed Dustin, but Rhodes would not stay down, hitting a Crossrhoads on Woods after a melee. Sterling tried interfering but was brought into the ring for a Crossrhoads of his own, then Woods ate a Sammy cutter, a kick from Hologram, and a Final Reckoning from Rhodes for the 1-2-3.
Bang Bang Gang def. The Dark Order - Zero Hour Pre-Show
The Gunns were in a good mood, almost partying as they toyed with John Silver, before the human tornado (not that one) called Juice Robinson tagged in for a big Senton. Bang Bang Gang ran a train on Alex Reynolds in the corner, but The Dark Order soon regrouped and toyed with Juice, Silver even posing on Robinson’s back for a gun show. Juice came firing back with punches, stacking Dark Order in the corner before slamming into them with a big cannonball.
Austin Gunn ran back in with a head full of steam, but a Fameasser attempt on Evil Uno went nowhere, as Uno hit Something Evil before a Reynolds double stomp. Colten Gunn then tagged in to run wild, then a quick tag to Juice before all six men wiped one another out mid-ring. Austin levelled Silver with a Quickdraw before Juice peppered Uno with multiple jabs and an implosion DDT for the win.
The CostCo guys had a little fun with Renee and RJ City, before Tony Schiavone brought out Skye Blue, with Skye greeting the Chicago crowd on crutches. Skye said she was doing everything she could to return to the ring on time, and was then interrupted by the new AEW Women’s World Champion Mariah May.
Mariah was out to have her Women’s World Champion celebration, but decided she wasn’t going to do it in Chicago. Mariah ran down Chicago and bickered with hometown hero Skye, before kicking away Blue’s crutches and raining down punches on her face. Mariah went to crush Blue with the crutch but was chased off by Queen Aminata.
The Undisputed Kingdom def. The Beast Mortos & Shane Taylor Promotions, and Top Flight & Action Andretti - Zero Hour Pre-Show
Shane Taylor cracked Mike Bennett’s jaw, then yeeted Action Andretti as the bell rang, before tagging in ROH PURE Champion Lee Moriarty. Moriarty found himself on the wrong end of Top Flight, before Roderick Strong tagged in to break Taiga Style’s back. Beast Mortos tagged in to a big reaction, headbutting everything in sight before launching Strong into The Kingdom. Dante Martin hit a springboard Swanton onto Mortos, then impressively hit a multi-rotation airplane spin on The Beast, before tangling with Matt Taven.
The Undisputed Kingdom used quick tags to work over Dante, getting a two-count after a Boston Bayonet assisted elbow smash. Shane Taylor came back in to utterly pummel Dante, but Darius finally got the tag in after Dante flattened Moriarty with a diving bulldog. Top Flight ran wild, but a duo tope attempt was thwarted, with Taven instead hitting a Taker dive to wipe out the competition. Beast Mortos was not to be outdone, flattening everyone with a Tornillo before staring down Leila Grey. Grey was spared the horns as Top Flight and Andretti made the save with topes of their own. Everything broke down into a parade of hard strikes in ring, with Taylor coming out on top with a big Uranage on Andretti, before a Mortos spear. Blind tag by Roderick Strong who running kneed Mortos in the face then stole the pin on Andretti for the win before Undisputed Kingdom ran a big victory lap around the ring.
MJF def. Daniel Garcia
MJF was barely in the ring when Daniel Garcia attacked, with Garcia jumping MJF out of nowhere as he made his entrance. Garcia looked for an early piledriver to no avail, the Chicago crowd firmly behind the former ROH PURE Champion. MJF followed up in kind with a form of a Rude Awakening to establish control of the bout, Friedman targeting the neck of Garcia throughout. Capture DDT spiked Garcia for two, but Garcia fought out of a follow-up Brainbuster attempt sending both men spiralling over the top rope to the floor. Garcia narrowly avoided a standing ten count and took MJF’s head off with a clothesline and trio of swinging neckbreakers, but MJF had enough to fight out of a piledriver attempt, and hit the powerbomb to the knee for a two count.
MJF opened up Garcia’s forehead once again and took it to the tope rope, but ‘Red Death’ fought out of an avalanche Tombstone attempt to drip blood into MJF’s mouth then hit a diving top rope DDT. Garcia again went for the piledriver but his neck couldn’t handle it, allowing MJF to regroup and hit the Long Island Sunrise… but only for two. Garcia fired up after some mocking kicks from MJF, pasting Friedman with punches after the ‘Salt of the Earth’ spat at him before getting a thumb to the eye for his troubles. MJF levelled Garcia with a stiff right and a release German only wok Garcia up who hit MJF with a German of his own and a big clothesline. MJF Boston Crab was transitioned into a LeBell Lock by Garcia, then MJF locked in a Crossface only to release it when his neck twinged. Garcia Sharpshooter got a pop, but his lean back for the Dragontamer was countered into a Fujiwara Armbar by MJF then into a form of Brutaliser before Garcia got his foot to the ropes.
Garcia collapsed when MJF again went for Long Island Sunrise, but he was playing possum, getting a nearfall off a rill up before slapping the hell out of MJF’s face before synching in a guillotine - Garcia catching MJF’s arm when the ref went for the drop test. Huge jumping piledriver by Garcia for the one, two… kick out, with an incensed Garcia dragging MJF to the corner for a top rope piledriver, but MJF bit his way out of the move. MJF obscured the ref’s view to hit a low blow then rolled Garcia up out of nowhere for the win.
Post-match, MJF offered a hand to Garcia, with garcia shaking his foe's hand. MJF tried to sucker-punch Garcia but Garcia caught it and kicked MJF in the crotch, then hit a sickening Bret's rope piledriver after spitting in the former AEW World Champion's eye before celebrating in the crowd whilst medical staff attended to MJF.
The Young Bucks (c) def. Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) - AEW World Tag Team Championships
Wheeler Yuta and Nicholas Jackson kicked off and were evenly matched, until the arrival of Claudio Castagnoli, with the BCC hitting both Bucks with double wishbone splits in some uncomfortable scenes - poor Matthew got five goes for his troubles, then a Claudio Atomic drop and a Yuta Manhattan drop. The bucks shook it off to double team Yuta, Nicholas caving in Yuta’s chest with a double stomp atop Matthew’s knees. Yuta took more punishment from The Bucks, but finally found an opening after avoiding a Nicholas Jackson to get the hot tag to Claudio.
Castagnoli ran wild with a bevy of corner European uppercuts in the corners, before sending The Bucks to the floor for some more running uppercuts around the ring. Claudio hung Nicholas Jackson on the middle rope as Yuta launched Matthew into his own brother, Yuta getting two on Matthew with a seatbelt. Claudio was sent careening into the front row as Yuta fought The Bucks by himself in the ring, coming close to a win with a bridging German suplex. Cattle Mutilation on Matthew but Nicholas broke it up with a senton bomb, before hitting an apron hurricanrana onto Claudio on the outside. More Bang For Your Buck thwarted by Yuta, as Claudio again ran wild with uppercuts before eating the EVP Trigger for two - Yuta just about making the save.
Superkick Party on Claudio, but a second EVP Trigger was caught momentarily, Claudio dropping both Bucks with a double suplex. Giant Swing on Matthew Jackson for two, but the EVP was soon back to fight with Yuta on the top rope before Claudio made the save with a Superplex. Claudio launched Yuta for the fastball Special but Matthew got the knees up and pinned Yuta as Nicholas held Claudio back, The Bucks squeaking out a win.
Will Ospreay (c) def. PAC - AEW International Championship
To the surprise of no-one this one started out very fast with an excited Chicago crowd cheering wildly as PAC and Ospreay countered and outmanoeuvred one another. PAC got first blood with a huge Skytwister Press to the floor, Ospreay following up with one of his own as Ricochet watched on from backstage. Strike exchange in the centre of the ring before the fight spilled to the floor - PAC sending Ospreay crashing into the guardrails.
Back in ring PAC drove Ospreay into the mat with an avalanche Brainbuster for two, but Ospreay would not stay down, taking the fight back to the floor and crushing PAC with a diving elbow strike from the barricade. Sasuke Special by Ospreay and an in-ring corkscrew kick for two, but a follow-up Cheeky Nandos was thwarted. PAC moonsault was caught by Ospreay, but PAC fought on into a Tornado DDT then a Ligerbomb for two. Standing Spanish Fly for two by Ospreay, but he couldn’t hit the Hidden Blade as PAC had it scouted. Oscutter levelled ‘The Bastard’, but Ospreay’s taped shoulder was clearly giving him grief. Series of precision kicks by Ospreay, but an apron Oscutter was denied, PAC launching Ospreay onto his neck with a release German suplex on the apron then following up with a Poison Frankensteiner.
Brutaliser in the centre of the ring and Ospreay was in real trouble, but had enough to escape. PAC smelled blood and went up for the Black Arrow, but Ospreay got the knees up and a nearfall. Hidden Blade missed, PAC rebound German Suplex, but an Ospreay around-the-world powerbomb was transitioned into a Frankensteiner by PAC for two as the crowd came unglued. Another Poison Frankensteiner by PAC and again into the Brutaliser. Ospreay fought on, hit a Poison Frankensteiner of his own a quick Hidden Blade into PAC’s face but it could only net him a two count. ‘Fight Forever’ chant as the two went up top, Ospreay landing on his feet out of an Avalanche Poison Frankensteiner attempt and hitting a Hidden Blade for two, then an Oscutter, but a Stormbreaker was turned into a Frankensteiner by PAC for two. Ospreay rolled back into a Styles Clash then hit a final Hidden Blade for the win.
Kris Statlander def. Willow Nightingale - Chicago Street Fight
An incensed Statlander stated it was ‘Staturday night’ before coming to the ring with a New Jack tribute chair, before a focused Willow Nightingale made her arrival. Stat swung the chair but caught nothing but a pounce, before Willow hit the corner powerbomb and a huge cannonball for two - the ‘Babe with the Power’ looking to end this early. The fight spilled to the aprin, Stat wriggling out to slug Nightingale with the chair before driving Willow through an announce table with a powerbomb. Stat and Stoke set up a table at ringside as the fight continued, Stat going for a big Senton bomb from the top rope and eating nothing but table, although Willow took a big kick to the back of the head as she rolled off the wood.
A fired up Willow pounced Stat through the security wall then took her former friend up the entrance ramp, Stat hitting a snap suplex in front of the tunnels as she barked at Stokely to get some weapons from the back, which Stokely did bringing out a bin filled with sports equipment a la Casey Jones. Stat hit Willow with the bin and hit another snap suplex, but a follow-up swing with a barbed wire baseball bat missed, Willow swinging some light tubes into Stat’s head as a receipt. Stokely ran to the back to avoid Willow’s wrath, a bleeding fired up Statlander driving Nightingale off the stage through some tables with a big spear.
The fight returned to the ring as Stat hit a bodyslam, then are one from Willow before both competitors went down after landing clotheslines at the same time. Willow wrapped a chain around her fist, Stat daring her to use it only to get a series of punches and a bite for her troubles. Stat impulse German suplex allowed her a window to sprinkle some tacks on the mat, but a running axe kick missed, Stat getting a crotch full of pins before Willow added insult to injury with a Spicolli Driver into the pins for a two count. Stat showed guts and continued the fight, crushing Willow with an avalanche Spanish Fly, before a chain wrapped discuss lariat.
Statlander retrieved a dog collar from beneath the ring, attaching one end to Willow’s wrist and the other to her own, but this allowed Willow time to hit a spinebuster into the pins before puling Stat to her feet for some standing strikes. Tombstone in the middle of the ring, then Stat wrapped the chain around Willow’s neck and mouth for the submission win. After the bell Stokely arrived back on the scene to celebrate with Statlander.
Will Ospreay spoke with Renee Paquette backstage, with Ospreay congratulating PAC for his performance tonight before saying he can have a rematch whenever he wants. Ospreay then called out his mate Ricochet and told him to get off his arse and stop collecting a paycheque. Ricochet then arrived to have some friendly banter with his old rival before promising to see him soon.
Kazuchika Okada (c) def. Orange Cassidy, Konosuke Takeshita, & Mark Briscoe - AEW Continental Championship
Okada and Takeshita came together for a long awaited face-off but had to deal with a slothstyle beatdown by Cassidy who ran wild on both men before eating a big boot from Okada. Briscoe with some Redneck Kung Fu to take out Okada before tangling with Takeshita, Briscoe and ‘The Alpha’ exchanging some heavy heavy chops. Conglomeration partners Briscoe and Cassidy teamed ti take down Okada and Takeshita with stereo dives, then some tandem Cactus Elbows on the floor.
All four competitors exchanged vertical suplexes in the ring in an extended sequence, Cassidy ending the sequence with a Stundog Millionaire onto Takeshita before a final suplex. Huge tope by Takeshita wiped out Cassidy and Okada, a bleeding Briscoe using a chair a la Sabu to cannonball tope into Takeshita. Briscoe and Cassidy exchanged friendly light chops before hi-fiving and laying into one another with more force before Okada and Takeshita interrupted with a pair of release German Suplexes. The crowd then came alive as the two Japanese powerhouses teed off on each other with stiff strikes, Takeshita avoiding a Rainmaker to hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Takeshita caught Cassidy mid-diving DDT and hung him on the top rope before hitting a top rope superplex, only for Briscoe to hit an opportunistic Froggy bow for two - Okada breaking things up.
Okada elbow drop on Briscoe then the big ‘f*** off’ to the fans, Briscoe levelling Okada with a big lariat, Takeshita hitting him with a big boot, and OC levelling him with the Orange Punch. Cassidy went for the swinging DDT on Takeshita, and a Stundog Millionaire, but Takeshita caught him for the package Tombstone into a release deadlift German suplex. Briscoe with Jay Driller on Takeshita but Okada pulled him to the floor, receiving a T-Bone from the ROH World Champion for his troubles.
Briscoe went for the Froggy Bow on Takeshita but got nothing but kness, Takeshita getting a two off a follow-up running knee as Casssidy made the save. Cassidy Beach Break on Takeshita, then a fired up OC went for the Orange Punch only to eat an elbow, and a lariat from Takeshita, as Okada ran in to dispose of Takeshita, hit a Rainmaker on Briscoe, then almost fell to a cazadora from OC. Rainmaker on Cassidy, and Okada remains your AEW Continental Champion.
Mercedes Mone (c) def. Hikaru Shida - TBS Championship
No Kamille accompanying Moné for this one, with EVP Christopher Daniels having banned the Brickhouse from ringside for this one.
An incensed Moné was straight out of the traps for this one, rushing Shida and focusing on her knee from the bell. Duelling chants broke out as Moné continued her assault, before Shida found an opening and nailed a series of running dropkicks for a two count. Brock Lock by Shida had Moné reeling, Shida following up with some kicks to the champ’s face and a running knee from floor to apron on a hung Moné. Moné regrouped to hit a corner sunset flip for two, then fired up with some aggressive shots to her challenger.
Corner knees by Mercedes and a straightjacket chokehold, before stomping a rope hung Shida in the corner for a two count. Shida would not stay down, sending Moné flying with a standing hurricanrana out of nowhere, but Mercedes was quick to regain control of the bout before being hammer thrown into the turnbuckle and eating a missile dropkick. Shida went for a running forearm but Moné reversed it into a Crossface, Shida managing to make it to the ropes to break the hold. Moné went to hoist up Shida but ate a lariat, referee Aubrey Edwards administering a standing count.
Both competitors made it back to their feet for a strike exchange, Shida coming out on top. Running lungblower by Moné into a sunset flip bomb into the turnbuckles and a running double knee for two, before a cocky champ hit the Three Amigos. Follow-up Frog Splash got nothing but knees, Shida hitting Three Falcon Arrows in response for two. Shida katana spinkick caught, Moné hitting a backstabber in response but quickly eating a German suplex and a running knee for her troubles. Trio of Katana kicks by Shida, but Moné had enough wherewithal to roll to the floor, only for Shida to pull Moné into the ringpost as the two fought over the kendo stick.
In-ring Shida went for a killing blow with the stick but couldn’t do it, a follow-up meteora missing as Moné hit a Money Maker for the win.
Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Jack Perry - AEW World Championship
A cinematic showed Jack Perry driving through the streets of Chicago in his Scapegoat bus before pulling into the arena parking lot with a big s*** eating grin on his face, The Young Bucks greeting their Elite protégé alongside a horde of armoured guards. Bryan Danielson made his first singles entrance as champion to ‘The Final Countdown’ and a heroes welcome.
Perry started off strongly, cockily paintbrushing the champ and matching Danielson for quick holds before spilling to the floor. Danielson soon warmed up, catching Perry mid-dropkick for a Romero special then sending Perry to the floor and nailing a springboard cannonball to loud ‘YES’ chants. Perry crushed Dragon with a superkick on the floor, then planted the champ with a draping DDT off the apron as the Chicago crowd chanted ‘f*** you Jack’. Perry running dropkick into the barricade, then kept up his assault with corner punches, a clothesline and quick neckbreaker for a two.
Danielson fired back with some chops then crushed the former Jungle Boy with some hammer and anvil elbows on the top rope and an avalanche back drop - both men taking neck damage from that one. Yes Kicks by Danielson and a LeBell Lock in the centre of the ring, Perry somehow making the ropes for the escape. Danielson remained in control with strikes and corner punches but Perry managed to floor the champ and lock in a mocking Cattle Mutilation then crushing Danielson with some dragon suplexes after he managed to fight to his feet. Perry went for another dragon suplex on the apron, but the two instead exchanged strikes, Danielson peppering Perry with chest kicks and elbows before hitting a butterfly suplex to the floor.
In ring Danielson asked Perry if he wants to be tough before hitting more stiff kicks, but a follow up Busaiku knee was avoided as Perry rolled into a Snare Trap, Danielson making it to the ropes to break the hold. Perry sent Danielson flying with a big lariat, but the champ fought on, although a corner kick attempt hit referee Bryce Remsburg. Danielson suplexed Perry then went to kick Perry’s f****** head in, but The Young Bucks arrived to beat down the ‘American Dragon’. Indytaker spiked Danielson, but thankfully Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta arrived in time to stop the Jacksons hitting an EVP Trigger, the BCC chasing The Bucks through the crowd. Perry used the confusion to hit the knee to Danielson’s head but only got a two count, before locking Danielson’s wrists for some close quarters head stomps. Perry did his own ‘YES; thrusts with his middle fingers extended to the crowd, but Danielson launched into a Busaiku knee to send the challenger flying.
The two again exchanged strikes, but a Perry slap only incensed Danielson, with the AEW World Champion wryly smiling before absorbing slaps to the face before unleashing with some stiff kicks, a roaring elbow and a huge Busaiku knee that sent Perry flipping… but only for a two count. Danielson locked the wrists and kicked Perry’s f****** head in before leading the crowd in loud yes chants before crushing Perry with another Busaiku knee for the win, Perry outstretching his arms and taking the move like a pro.
As Danielson celebrated he was blindsided by Killswitch, with Jack Perry and his former Jurassic Express team mate sharing an awkward stare in the ring. This heralded the arrival of the All In Casino Gauntlet winner Christian Cage, but Cage was stopped on the ramp by a furious looking Jon Moxley, with Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli, and PAC joining Mox in heading off The Patriarchy.
The BCC celebrated with Danielson, then out of nowhere Claudio nailed Danielson with a European Uppercut before Mox choked the champ out with a plastic bag. PAC restrained Yuta as Marina Shafir made her arrival, Yuta reaching out in vain to try and help Danielson. Yuta and the medical team rushed to Danielson’s aid as Moxley and co. left through the crowd.
Hangman Page def. Swerve Strickland - Unsanctioned Lights Out Steel Cage Match
Justin Roberts announced to the crowd that when the lights go out then come back on then AEW will no longer be held responsible for what happens inside the ring, with the unsanctioned steel cage match closing out the show.
As the cage began to lower, Swerve rushed Hangman, the fight spilling to the floor as Prince Nana filled the ring with a toolbox, chairs, and a table, as Swerve tried to hold Hangman’s head in place as the cage lowered. Bell rings with Hangman hitting a fallaway slam, only for Swerve to absorb it, kip up, and flatten him with a high kick. Rolling Flatliner and a House Call by Swerve as Prince nana berated Page from the floor, Hangman regrouping to hit a big elbow and a release German suplex on Strickland.
Hangman opened the toolbox and grabbed the infamous staple gun, Strickland laughing as Page stapled his chest. Swerve fought and grabbed the stapler for himself, stapling Hangman’s back and kidney area, hitting a backbreaker, then staring down the camera as he unflinchingly pulled staples out of his own chest. Swerve then pulled pics of his own family out of his pocket and proceeded to staple them to Page’s chest and face. Hangman made his way to the top rope, only for Swerve to ding him in the face with the top of the chair before nailing a Spicolli Driver into the cage as Page landed in a crumpled heap on the floor.
The fight spilled to the top rope, a bleeding . Page hanging Swerve crotch first on the top rope and crushing him with a rebound clothesline before pounding Strickland into the cage. Page then wrapped his arm in barbed wire to hit another rebound lariat before again throwing Strickland into the cage. Page then threaded the barbed wire into the cage, throwing Swerve face first into the wire on the second time of asking and busting him open. Page then dragged Swerve’s bleeding forehead across the wire, but had to give up a Buckshot Lariat attempt due to having no room to frontflip into the ring. This gave Strickland time to regroup and attack, but Page sent him into the cage once more. Page nailed Swerve with a chair, then argued with referee Paul Turner when he tried to stop further chair action and restore order, Swerve using this opportunity to hit a House Call, then launched over the ref to just about hit a Buckshot Lariat.
Strickland wailed on Hangman with the chair, then lawndarted the former Elite member into a chair wedged in the corner. Swerve then grabbed a cinder block from his box of tricks, and after the two jockeyed for piledrivers on the block, Swerve dropped Hagman’s back onto the corner of the block with a Kryptonite Krunch, the crowd wincing when they saw the raw impact marks on page’s back as a result of the move. Swerve set up a table in the ring, but this gave Page enough time to come to, meeting Swerve on the top rope for another fight. Swerve kicked Hangman from the top but Page grabbed on for dear life, Strickland leaping off and driving his foe through the wood with a nasty looking Swerve Stomp. Swerve went for another House Call but Page hit him with a Dead Eye out of nowhere for two.
Page sarcastically yelled ‘whose house’ before revealing a charred spike of wood from Strickland’s house, the two jockeying for position and the shard. Strickland wound up with the stake, using it to stab Hangman in the head as the crowd recoiled in horror. Swerve cried as he held part of his childhood home, but as he went for another blow with the shard Hangman hit him with a low blow then a big Sycho Sid powerbomb into the cinder block… for two.
Hangman propped Swerve against the cage and mounted him with punches, but Strickland grabbed Page for a big powerbomb into the cage, then hit a nasty House Call to the back of Page’s head into the cage, quickly followed by another in the centre of the ring, but somehow Hangman kicked out at two. Strickland went to the top rope for the Swerve Stomp, but decided to climb to the top, only for Page to follow him and hit an elevated diving powerbomb from the top. Adrenaline and pure hatred fuelled both men as Page hit another Deadeye but again only got a two count. Page yelled at Swerve, demanding he beg for mercy as he struck him in the side of the head with a chair, Strickland absorbing the shots and laughing before collapsing. Hangman told Strickland he was going to punish him, removing Strickland’s grills from mouth then stabbing him through the cheek with a hypodermic syringe before smashing him in the head with a chair, Paul Turner calling for the bell and ruling this one a knockout win for Adam Page.
Page looked on with a mixture of sorrow, regret, and hatred on his face as Strickland lay supine with the broken chair wrapped around his head, medical staff attending to the former AEW World Champion. Hangman then grabbed his jacket and slowly walked up the ramp as Prince Nana attended to Swerve, momentarily threatening to return to the ring before yelling like a madman on the ramp.
AEW All Out results - September 7, 2024: