AEW Double Or Nothing 2023 Results

All the action from AEW Double or Nothing 2023

Jack Atkins side view with black and white filter

May 29, 2023

AEW Double or Nothing 2023 poster.jpg

A year on from almost walking out of the company, MJF headed into Double or Nothing 2023 with the AEW World Championship around his waist, but would he walk out with the ‘Triple B’ still in his possession?

Coming live from Las Vegas, Nevada, AEW Double or Nothing 2023 featured the best of AEW battling it out for supremacy with every sanctioned title on the line. But what happened on the show? Full results below.

The Hardys & HOOK def. Ethan Page & The Gunns - Buy In: Ethan Page’s Contract on the Line

Austin Gunn and HOOK started things off, but the faces utilised quick tags to keep the match in their court, with some vintage Hardys teamwork on display. Before long the faces stood tall after triple clotheslining Page and The Gunns to the floor, with ‘All Ego’ trying to get The Gunns focused on the task at hand.

After being isolated by The Gunns, HOOK managed to tag in Matt Hardy who levelled everyone with Side Effects but Ethan Page soon swung the momentum in his favour as he tangled with his long-term rival. Matt Hardy threatened to tag out on several occasions but was thwarted, until finally he tagged in Jeff Hardy who showed no signs of ring rust as he tangled with The Gunns. Jeff’s ankle soon gave out, with Jeff crashing to the mat after attempting a Whisper in the Wind but he still had enough left in the tank to tag HOOK back in. 

HOOK and Ethan Page went back-and-forth, before The Hardys came back in with Poetry in Motion. The Gunns looked to have it sealed with a 3:10 to Yuma on Matt, but Jeff saved the day with a pin breaking Swanton Bomb. HOOK went for Redrum on Page, but the match gave way to carnage as The Hardys levelled The Gunns, then hit Page with a pair of Twists of Fates, before HOOK got the win with Redrum. Ethan Page’s contract is now the property of Matt Hardy.

Dr. Martha Hart joined Renee Paquette on the stage to formally announce the second annual Owen Hart Foundation Tournament, with the tournament set to start at Forbidden Door in June, and conclude at the Calgary Stampede.

Orange Cassidy wins the 21-man Blackjack Battle Royale for the AEW International Championship

A fast and frenetic battle royal to start the show, with the action starting both in the ring and on the floor, as all sorts of scores were settled, and rivalries furthered. Komander got a the first big pop of the night with his trademark rope run onto Big Bill and Lee Moriarty before he officially entered the match. Swerve Strickland and Brian Cage watched on from the ramp, biding their time before entering the match. Bandido got Tony Nese up for an extended delayed vertical suplex as Komander and The Lucha Bros fended off any would be attackers. Brian Cage eventually entered and started yeeting people all over the ring, with Swerve continuing to watch on alongside Prince Nana. Bandido and Komander tried to take ‘The Machine’ down to no avail, but The Lucha Bros managed to get the big man down.

The lucha contingent continued to team, working in tandem against Bullet Club Gold, until Jay White launched Komander out of the match. Orange Cassidy inadvertently facilitated Chuck Taylor’s exit from the match, ducking as Big Bill launched the Best Friend. Swerve finally - and slowly - made his way into the match, making a beeline straight to former tag partner Keith Lee. Trent took the bullet for Cassidy, pushing his partner out the way and eating an elimination courtesy of a Big Bill Big Boot. Bullet Club Gold eliminated Fenix after tricking Penta into hitting his bro with a splash, then Ricky Starks got Juice Robinson out of the match, and followed up by eliminating Jay White. White and Robinson took the loss badly, beating down Ricky on the floor, but ‘Absolute’ was not eliminated… until Big Bill sent him packing with a Big Boot. Dustin Rhodes took Brian Cage out with an Apron Destroyer before being eliminated himself by Swerve.

Final four: Cassidy, Swerve, Penta, Big Bill. Bill sent Penta packing after eating some strikes from the ROH Tag Team Champion, then was eliminated himself by Swerve when going for a Gorilla Press on Cassidy. Swerve and OC went at it hammer and tongs as the crowd rallied behind the champ, with OC hitting a Stundog Millionaire, before a dazed Swerve rocked him with a House Call. Prince Nana swept Cassidy’s feet, allowing Swerve to hit a massive stomp before placing OC’s hands in his pockets to mock him and attempting to throw the champ out of the match. Cassidy fought back with two DDTs and an Orange Punch, but a second Orange Punch was caught by Swerve on the apron who kneed the champ after some Prince Nana interference, but his follow up stomp was countered by the champ, with OC retaining after dropping Swerve to the floor.

Adam Cole def. Chris Jericho - Unsanctioned Match, Sabu special enforcer

Jericho came to the ring flanked by the Jericho Appreciation Society, Adam Cole came with Roderick Strong, Sabu, and some steel chairs. Those chairs were soon launched all over the place, with Sabu and Jericho having a chair duel, before Sabu splashed Angelo Parker from the top through a table on the floor. Sabu and Roddy fought the JAS to the back as it boiled down to Jericho vs. Cole.

Cole focused his anger on Jericho’s arm, but The Ocho fought back with a suplex from the apron to the floor. Cole absorbed Jericho’s attacks before sending Jericho into a chair wedged in the corner. Jericho went for a Lionsault but ate a superkick mid rotation - looked a close call for Jericho there. Walls of Jericho locked in as Cole crawled under the bottom rope to grab a fire extinguisher with Jericho eating a face full of foam. Jericho lined Cole up for a kendo stick assault, but Britt Baker ran in with a cane of her own to wail on Jericho. Saraya ran down to even the odds but ate a series of cane shots herself as Baker chased her to the back. Cole choked Jericho with the kendo stick into a backstabber for two, but an attempt at a top rope kendo stick assault saw Cole eat a chair and plummet through a table on the floor. 

With Cole out, Jericho grabbed a super long chain set of handcuffs from under the ring. Jericho got one side of the cuffs on Cole but ate a DDT, with Cole cuffing Jericho to him. Panama Sunrise got a two, but a follow up Boom missed the target, allowing Jericho to whip Cole with the chain before choking the former ROH World Champion. Pair of superkicks and a Boom levelled Jericho, before Cole wrapped the chain around his knee for a second Boom and followed up with clubbing blows to the face as Aubrey Edwards rang the bell.

FTR (c) def. Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal - AEW Tag Team Championships, Mark Briscoe Special Guest Referee

Mark Briscoe channeled his inner Bill Alfonso as he promised to call this one right down the middle, with Dax Harwood and Jay Lethal kicking off this tag title encounter that has gotten heated in recent weeks. Dax lit up Lethal with chops, but hit a diving crossbody onto Lethal and Jarrett with a rare trip from the top rope. Double Sharpshooter was denied as the heels regrouped on the floor. Briscoe stopped interferences from both sides in his own heavy handed way, before the action spilled to the floor.

FTR were briefly in control, but as Briscoe was distracted Jarrett grabbed a chair but was stopped by the ref before he could use it. FTR could not regain their foothold in the match, as the nefarious actions of the heels - and entourage Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt, and Karen Jarrett - made sure they could not build any momentum. Lethal worked over Cash Wheeler before Jarrett locked in a Figure Four leglock, but Dax was on hand to break it up with a Dynamite Kid diving headbutt. Dax finally tagged in and ran wild, peppering Lethal with the Tenryu combo in the corner and a shortarm clothesline. Two Germans and a brainbuster for a two for Dax, with a big superplex to follow after much shenanigans from the heels. Doomsday Powerbomb by FTR on Lethal got a two after Dutt pulled Dax out, with Cash hurting his knee after a tope suicida.

Mark Briscoe finally ejected Dutt and Singh from ringside before eating El Kabong from Jeff Jarrett as Dax avoided the guitar. Lethal injection countered into a Shatter Machine, but no ref to make the call. Aubrey Edwards ran down to the ring, but ate a guitar from Karen Jarrett. Double Lethal Injection took down FTR, but a follow-up title belt shot on Dax was initially thwarted before Jeff Jarrett nailed Dax with the belt and a Stroke, as a barely conscious Mark Briscoe counted two. An irate JJ slapped Briscoe, but ate a slap of his own as FTR hit the Shatter Machine for the win.

Alex Marvez caught up with Ricky Starks backstage as Bullet Club Gold attacked once more. RIIICKKKYYYYY. FTR ran Jay White and Juice Robinson off before they could cause too much damage.

Chris Jericho and Saraya cut a backstage promo, yelling about Cole and Baker before announcing they want a mixed tag match on Dynamite. Some backstage geek tried to calm things but ate a fireball from Jericho. 

Wardlow (c) def. Christian Cage - TNT Championship Ladder Match

Wardlow came out the traps, layering strike after strike on Christian as he looked to beat his rival into submission before attempting for the strap. A Cage vaulting body press ate nothing but rung, as Wardlow set Cage up on a pair of tables at the foot of the ramp. Wardlow went up top, but Cage escaped to a chorus of boos. Cage set up a ladder between the apron and guardrail, fighting with the champ on the new platform before returning to the ring with another ladder. Cage assaulted Wardlow with a set of ladders, but his first attempt at the title saw him tipped from the ladder onto the top rope. Wardlow caught Cage with a powerslam from the ladder, then Airplane Spin bodypressed the former TNA Champ onto a ladder on the mat. 

Luchasaurus made his way to the ringside area, as Cage hit his patented reverse blowout DDT from the ladder. Alabama Slam to the ladder by Wardlow, but a follow up Senton ate nothing but wood and metal. Arn Anderson made his way ringside to motivate Wardlow, who leaped from turnbuckle to ladder but his mass caused the ladder to buckle, sending Cage to the floor. Luchasaurus hit a pair of chokeslams on Wardlow, and a chokeslam attempt on Arn saw Double A chomp on the dinosaur’s thumb until it bled. Wardlow clobbered Luchasaurus with a chair and lay him on the tables, before hitting a big Senton bomb from the very top of a huge ladder to a big pop. Impressive from the champ.

With everyone out of commission, Cage crept into the ring and up the ladder, but was tipped from the top by Arn as Wardlow caught Captain Charisma with a powerbomb, allowing the champ to climb the ladder and retain his title.

Toni Storm def. Jamie Hayter (c) - AEW Women's World Championship

Tony Schiavone joined commentary, but as Jamie Hayter’s music played she did not appear. The theme booted up again, with Hayter booted down the ramp by Saraya and Ruby Soho, her shoulder still in rough shape following recent attacks by The Outcasts. The Outcasts continued their assault, before eventually throwing the champ into the ring so the match could officially begin. Britt Baker ran down to once again brawl with Saraya, before Storm clattered into the ref, allowing Soho to spray Hayter  and eat a ‘hip’ attack from Storm for a two count. Hikaru Shida ran in to attack Soho with a kendo stick, as Hayter sent Storm into an exposed turnbuckle before following up with a Hayterade, but her injured arm meant the champ didn’t get all of it and only got a two. Hayter then went for a second but ate the turnbuckle herself, as Storm hit the Storm Zero piledriver for the three to begin her second reign as AEW Women’s World Champion.

House Of Black (c) def. The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass - AEW Trios World Championship House Rules Match

Open challenge time, with The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn coming out for a shot at the AEW Trios Championships. Max Caster dropped bars about Rupaul, blackface, and Dominik Mysterio before announcing they needed no special challenger’s rule for this bout.

Anthony Bowens and Malakai Black started things, with both competitors jockeying for position, including a double sit down psyche out. Loud ‘Dominik’ chants as Buddy Matthews hit the ring, with the challengers soon getting the advantage, with Caster hitting a back suplex onto Buddy on the apron. Quick tags by the champs put the ball in their court, with the action spilling to the floor as Brody king hit a running splash onto Gunn against the railings. Black had a deep kneebar sinked in on Bowens during all this, with the House ‘no rope breaks’ rule giving him AB no respite. The House worked over Bowens’ knee, with Matthews crushing Bowens with a big Meteora as an incensed Gunn wanted in on the match. Bowens continued to take a beating after being repeatedly and effectively cut off from his corner by The HOB.

Bowens eventually got the hot tag to Daddy Ass after several thwarted attempts, with Billy Gunn rocking The House with a series of shots in the ring. With Gunn running wild, he didn’t notice the advancing Malakai Black, who levelled the veteran with a Black Mass before getting the three.

Jade Cargill (c) def. Taya Valkyrie - TBS Championship

Burlesque inspired entrance for Taya Valkyrie, before Big Boss Vette rapped Jade Cargill to the ring, with the TBS Champion even managing to get a choreographed dance with a troupe down on the ramp. Cargill and Taya both went for their finish straight away, before devolving into an out-and-out slugfest. Duelling chants erupted as Taya splashed Smart Mark Sterling on the floor, before the challenger hit a sliding German on the champ in the ring. Leila Grey was a nuisance at ringside, allowing Jade to fight her way back into the match with a snap suplex on the floor. 

Back in-ring Cargill hit a Double A Spinebuster for a two as she established dominance on the bout. Valkyrie fired back though, hitting a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two out of a Cargill sleeper hold. Cargill flew in with a huge springboard but ate a double knee to the sternum for her troubles, before a Super Dragon-esque Curbstomp got a two for Valkyrie. Taya dispatched Leila then hit a Spear on the champ and a Road to Valhalla… for a two and three-quarters. Kick by Jade into Jaded and the successful 1-2-3 for the dominant TBS Champion as Cargill went 60-0.

Post-match, Mark Sterling took the mic to put over Cargill, saying Jade will put the title on the line any time any place, but there’s nobody left… cue the return of Kris Statlander! Statlander looking jacked, as we got an impromptu match.

Kris Statlander def. Jade Cargill (c)  - TBS Championship

The crowd went wild as Statlander rushed the champ, avoiding a Jaded and hitting the Big Bang Theory package Tombstone for the win! Jade has been toppled, Kris Statlander is your new TBS Champion. 60-1.

MJF (c) def. Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara, & Jack Perry - AEW World Championship

Huge news for Sammy Guevara as he and Tay Melo revealed they are expecting a baby, but all focus at the moment was on the long awaited Four Pillars match for the AEW World Championship. A change in tone followed as Darby Allin’s pre-match cinematic piece showed Darby assaulting ‘MJF’ at a Vegas chapel, before Darby and an Elvis impersonator drove to the arena. The Devil himself MJF entered last, lowered to the floor on a golden throne.

The champ started by ducking his three challengers, with JB, Sammy, and Darby teaming to assault MJF with a series of knife-edge chops in the corner, before the temporary alliance came to a quick end. Fast and frenetic action with Jack Perry getting the first advantage, before MJF crushed him with a clothesline in the centre of the ring. Darby cannonball sent MJF up the ramp, before Perry crushed his competition with a pair of topes and a tope con hilo. Sammy went one better, nailing a beautiful Shooting Star Press to the floor, wiping everyone out. Tower of Doom took everyone out once more, as all four men looked for an opening. Back to the floor and Sammy hit a beautiful cutter on a diving Darby Allin, before nailing a perfect Frog Splash on the champ for a two count in the ring. MJF had his time in the Sun, dishing out a beating on the other pillars, spitting on a downed Darby Allin and disparaging anyone who came near him. 

Again, super fast paced match -  as soon as someone got the advantage they were taken out, with the field incredibly even. Scorpion Deathdrop from Darby, Codebreaker from Sammy, Killswitch from Perry, and a Crossrhoads from MJF as The Pillars paid homage to their mentors. MJF then grabbed the mic, and told Sammy to lay down and take the pin with MJF insinuating he’d pay Sammy with a baby on the way. Sammy took the mic and told MJF he’d lay down, but he was playing possum, rolling MJF up for a nearfall. MJF avoided a GTH but got caught in a Walls of Jericho, as Darby locked a Scorpion Deathlock on JB. Darby Figure on Sammy, who had an Ankle Lock on MJF, who had JB in a side headlock, who had an armbar on Darby - inventive spot that got a great reaction from the crowd. A series of Destroyers followed, and still there was no clear leader in this bout. Running Destroyer by Perry on MJF got a nearfall, then a follow-up Tiger Driver on Sammy also got a two count. 

The fight spilled outside where Sammy hit a Spanish Fly onto Darby onto Perry and MJF on the floor. The four returned to the ring, dishing out strikes whilst struggling to get to their feet. MJF got the upper hand with a series of eye-pokes, but ate a triple superkick for his troubles. Multiple pin combinations between the challengers got a great reaction, before MJF demolished Darby with a Chris Candido Blonde Bombshell powerbomb off the top, MJF hurting his left arm on the landing. Lowblow by MJF on Sammy, but before he could get on the Diamond Ring he was crushed from behind by Darby with the skateboard, a Coffin Drop, and the long-promised headlock takeover… for two, as Jack Perry broke the pin. Darby and Perry KOd each other after a fistfight, with MJF waiting title in hand for whomever got up first. Sammy took MJF to the floor as Perry caught the title, but he couldn’t use it as a weapon, thrwoing it down as Darby caught him in the Last Supper for two. GTH on Perry by Sammy but he was launched from the top as Darby went for the Coffin Drop… as MJF slid the title belt on top of Jungle Boy, knocking Darby loopy and allowing MJF to hit a headlock takeover on Darby for the three count. A frenetic match.

Blackpool Combat Club def. The Elite - Anarchy in the Arena

Main event time, with Justin Roberts once again telling the fans that ’s*** was about to hit the fan’. 

All four of The Elite entered to Kansas’ Wayward Son, with Kenny and Hangman singing the words to one another. Lovely. A live version of Wild Thing performed by Violent Idols heralded The BCC to the ring, with The Elite meeting them in the crowd for a good old fashioned fight as the music continued. Nick vs. Yuta, Matt vs. Claudio, Kenny vs. Mox, and Hangman vs. Dragon started it off. Mox flew off the comms table with an axehandle onto Omega at ringside as Claudio clubbed Omega with a chair. Ref Rick Knox was bleeding somehow as Danielson and Page made their way in-ring, Page crushing Bryan with a big lariat, before removing his eyepatch and retrieving a screwdriver from his jeans. Yuta stopped Hangman before he could gouge Danielson, with all eight men eventually engaging in a stand-up brawl in the ring. Don Callis was watching on from commentary as the Elite threw a superkick party… with Violent Idols continuing on with Wild Thing. Quad topés by The Elite crushed The BCC, before The Young Bucks double superkicked Violent Idols’ singer for wearing a BCC tee. Mox was bleeding - of course - as he and Omega fought in-ring, as Matt Jackson hit a rolling continuous Northern Lights Suplex on Yuta all the way down the ramp as Nick crushed Claudio with a running senton. 

The action once again spilled all over the arena, as Mox revealed a giant poker chip covered in barbed wire and broken glass. Matt Jackson and Claudio fought at the concession stand as Mox suplexed Omega onto the barbed wire then Abdullah the Butchered him with a fork. Mox hit the swing on Matt Jackson as Mox locked in the choke on Kenny, although Omega powered back and dropped Mox back into the wire. Nick Jackson and Hangman were also busted open as The BCC firmly established dominance on the match. Mox and Danielson peppered Hangman with kicks, as the camera showed that Claudio and Matt Jackson had fought their way outside, with the two fighting in the bed of a pickup truck, Claudio nailing a piledriver in the truck. 

Danielson, Mox, and Yuta manhandled Omega and Hangman in the ring, but Hangman managed to hit an apron Deadeye on Mox as Omega went all Captain America with a bin lid. Swiss Death to Omega as Nick Jackson returned to level the BCC. Mox and Yuta wore Nick Jackson down as Matt made his way back to the ring, Matt hitting an exploding Superkick on Mox, followed by a trio of kicks to Yuta. Buckshot to Yuta got a two thanks to a timely break from Claudio. Mox unearthed some thumbtacks, dropped a barefoot Matt Jackson into them then hit a Death Rider for two. Cutter onto Nick Jackson into the tacks by Mox, V Trigger to Claudio, then a series of Busaiku Knees from Danielson to Omega and Hangman as The BCC hit hammer and anvil elbows to The Elite. BCC put tacks in Matt Jackson’s mouth as Claudio hit a European Uppercut. Omega and Hangman teamed up to brawl with The BCC, with a Deadeye and a One Winged Angel on Danielson surely sealing it… if it weren’t for Yuta breaking the pin. Omega Hangman moonsault combo to Yuta. Don Callis handed Yuta the screwdriver to spike Hangman, but as Omega came face-to-face with Don Konosuke Takeshita ran in to Jumping Knee Omega’s head off as Yuta tied up Kenny for the three count.

Post-match Don Callis choked Omega with his belt as The BCC watched on, with Takeshita taunting Omega in the ring. Is Takeshita in the BCC or are he and Don a rogue unit? We’ll have to wait and see.

AEW Double or Nothing 2023 full results:

  • Blackpool Combat Club def. The Elite - Anarchy in the Arena
  • MJF (c) def. Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara, & Jack Perry - AEW World Championship
  • Kris Statlander def. Jade Cargill (c) - TBS Championship
  • Jade Cargill (c) def. Taya Valkyrie - TBS Championship
  • House Of Black (c) def. The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass - AEW Trios World Championship House Rules Match
  • Toni Storm def. Jamie Hayter (c) - AEW Women's World Championship
  • Wardlow (c) def. Christian Cage - TNT Championship Ladder Match
  • FTR (c) def. Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal - AEW Tag Team Championships Mark Briscoe Special Guest Referee
  • Adam Cole def. Chris Jericho - Unsanctioned Match, Sabu special enforcer
  • Orange Cassidy (c) won the 21-man Blackjack Battle Royale for the AEW International Championship
  • The Hardys & HOOK def. Ethan Page & The Gunns - Buy In: Ethan Page’s Contract on the Line


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