AEW Once Told Josh Alexander They Weren't Interested In Him As A Singles Talent

AEW didn’t see Josh Alexander as a singles act

Ahead of his IMPACT World Title shot against Moose at Revolution on April 23, Josh Alexander stands as one of the most highly rated in-ring talents in the industry.

‘The Walking Weapon’ has gone from strength-to-strength since going solo, and revealed on The Battleground podcast why he stayed with IMPACT:

“It was an easy decision for me,” Alexander said. “Right now I think the one thing that’s changed in the pro wrestling landscape, especially for like free agents and professional wrestlers, is regardless of whatever you have to offer, you have to be in the top 10% to have a job now in one of those sustainable positions at any of these companies, Impact included. Because as you’ve seen with AEW signing up everybody that they can and all this other stuff, it’s just like, the waters are kind of picked dry a little bit, and whoever’s left is kind of fighting for whatever’s left. The thing that made my decision so much easier is I never planned on leaving.”

Talking of AEW, Alexander’s former tag team partner Ethan Page is now part of AEW’s roster, and Alexander revealed that AEW once told him they had no intention of bringing him in as a singles star:

“Impact gave me an opportunity when no other company would,” Josh Alexander admitted. “I was in contact with the people at AEW before Impact ever considered signing me and they had told me that they were not interested in me as a singles wrestler. Impact then came along and signed me, and before The North ever came to be, they were preparing to push me as a singles talent when I debuted.

“I did vignettes and I did video stuff that was never aired as me being a singles person, and then when I showed up on my first day of work, they said, ‘We’re going to put you in a tag team with Ethan Page.’”

This point is extra interesting considering the fact that Brandi Rhodes said during her last ever AEW promo that the only reason AEW signed Ethan Page was to get to Alexander.


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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.