Chelsea Green: You Could Not Pay Me To Work A Backstage Wrestling Position

Green doesn't have the passsion

Chelsea Green says she has absolutely no interest in working in a production or promotion capacity in wrestling once her in-ring career comes to an end.

Having been released by WWE earlier this year, Green has since performed for both Ring Of Honor and IMPACT Wrestling, and is loving the in-ring aspect of her job. 

However, she has no passion for the other aspects of the wrestling industry, and says she could not be paid to stay in the business if she wasn't doing what she's currently doing.

Appearing on PWI Presents: Face Turn with Candace Cordelia, Green was asked about if she had any interest in working backstage in wrestling once her in-ring career comes to an end. She said: "Never. Not in a million years. You could not pay me to stay in this business if I was not doing what I'm doing. No way.

"I don't have the passion. I did not grow up as a diehard wrestling fan. I love performing, and I didn't know that performing was going to lead me down this route. It could have been friggin musical theatre, like, I don't know. But I ended up in this avenue and this is just where I'm going to stay, but I'm not going to venture outside."

H/T Fightful

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Mitch Waddon

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