
CM Punk Details WWE Backstage Reaction To His 2011 Pipe Bomb Promo

10 years on

10 years on from CM Punk's pipe bomb, the promo is still fondly remembered within the wrestling world as one of WWE's best-ever segments and it has been credited with changing the industry. 

Punk would ultimately depart WWE three years later in 2014 but he returned to professional wrestling earlier this year with AEW.

Speaking on the AEW Unrestricted Podcast about the pipe bomb, Punk detailed the immediate backstage reaction to the promo. 

"When I was done with that, I remember walking back up the ramp, on the fly thinking, 'Well I can't go through the curtain because I just did this promo - if I go through the curtain, kayfabe-wise, I'm fistfighting somebody.' So I went side-stage, which was just another little tiny thing that made people go, 'Hmm… this is weird,'" Punk began.

"And when I got in the back, nobody anywhere. Backstage is normally buzzing, people in the hallways. It was empty. And I remember looking around like, 'Jeez, what's going on.' And then I walked past the curtain through Gorilla and everybody in the company was jammed into the tunnel waiting to see me come through Gorilla, because they figured the same thing, they were like, 'Ah man, this is gonna get real.'

"And the first person I see is chef Robert Irvine, because he's there with Gail Kim, and he looks like he just got through a Dorian Yates chest workout, and he's just like, '(flexing noises), That was amazing!', and he's like all fired up. He's a guy that maybe doesn't necessarily watch a lot of pro-wrestling, but it was just like it resonated with him," Punk continued.

"And then I saw Chris Masters and Chris Masters looks at me and goes, 'Did you just hear what Punk said?', and I was like, 'Chris, it's me', and he was like, 'Oh. Oh it is you! You're gonna get fired dude.' And then I just walked up. It was a weird scene. I didn't know it was gonna become as big as it did, but I knew just based off those reactions, I knew we had something.

"I think everybody back there has gamefaces on and they wanna no-sell stuff. But I had texts from some pretty lofty people in the business that I looked up to and respected, so I knew I did some good television, let's just say that."

H/T to WrestleTalk

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Written by Aidan Gibbons

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