
Corey Graves: Bron Breakker Will Have WWE Intercontinental Gold ‘By June’

Breakker is the break-out star of NXT 2.0

Since the launch of NXT 2.0 in 2021, one name of NXT ‘new blood’ has stood head and shoulders above the rest - Bron Breakker.

Breakker’s rise to the top of NXT has been well handled and well received, with Breakker defeating Tommaso Ciampa for the NXT Title at NXT New Year’s Evil.

Now with some gold to his name, this is undoubtedly the first of many titles for Breakker in WWE. And when Breakker was a guest on Corey Graves’ After the Bell podcast, Graves made a bold prediction regarding Breakker’s future:

“I predict Bron Breakker is Intercontinental Champion by June,” Graves said. “Intercontinental Champion, if not more, by June. I will say, just to cover my own you know what, I look at the Intercontinental Champion and the United States Championship as kind of that same level. I know enough about this place, I know enough about this business and I think it’s been a long time since we’ve seen someone like Bron Breakker.

“Someone who is no-nonsense, no B.S., no frills, just smash mouth with a smart personality, with a demeanour. A dude who just wants to put in the work and pay respect and be great and make a name for himself while paying homage to the past, that’s a special combination that’s few and far between. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself by saying June, but that’s how big I think this dude can be in this business.”

H/T: Wrestling Inc.

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.