
Darby Allin Still Planning To Climb Mount Everest

Climbing Mount Everest still in Darby Allin’s plans

Darby Allin has not given up hope of scaling Mount Everest, with the All Elite Wrestling star intent on climbing the infamous mountain.

Allin was originally set to attempt Everest in early 2024, but his trip was cancelled after he broke his foot on an episode of Dynamite, then was hit by a bus in New York a short time later. However, as Allin himself revealed to Dallas News he was not deterred by his injuries and can’t wait until the next optimal time to climb:

“Everybody’s saying, like, maybe that’s a sign that you shouldn’t do it,” Allin explained. “And I said hell no that’s a sign I should do it next year. It’s been such a roller coaster of emotions going into it. But like, I wanted to do it before, but now I really want to do it, it’s just like the moment was taken away. I’m super excited for it. That’s just pushing the boundaries, dude. Because honestly, just like with wrestling, when people tell you can’t do something, and then you start listening to them, and the moment you start doing crazy stuff, it breaks down all the barriers in your mind.”

Allin continued, noting how scaling Everest will unlock a ‘new part’ of him:

“To me, that’s just the next evolution of Darby,” Allin said. “Once I summit Everest and come back down, I’m going to be that much more mentally stronger and believe I can do something. If you asked me 10 years ago, when I first started wrestling, that I would be doing press conferences about, you know, stadium shows in the U.S., I wouldn’t have had the confidence. I’d be like, [stammers] — I don’t belong that in that scene. You know, I’m not worthy. But now I’m like, dude, I’m right where I need to be, and it’s just because you get mentally stronger with everything. That’s what Mount Everest is all about.”

Darby has stated that he intends on planting an AEW flag on Everest should he be successful in his climb.

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.