EC3 Blasts 'Corporate Wrestling' After ROH Hiatus News
EC3 joined ROH in October 2020
Nov 4, 2021
In the wake of ROH announcing a Q1 2022 hiatus and the cancelling of all wrestler contracts, ROH star EC3 has reacted as only he can, by cutting a promo on corporate wrestling.
Posting on the Control Your Narrative YouTube channel, EC3 said the following:
“You have been lied to your whole life. I have been seeing this from April 2020, but I have known it for so much longer. This lie is so blatant, so vivid, so audacious, it’s in your name; honour. Honour as we’ve been taught is a lie. There is no honour in what we do when we do it for them. Corporate wrestling, three letter brands, the divisive, toxic, delusional bubble that is the pro wrestling community. It’s all the same. Here is the bitter pill you must swallow. If you’re a fan, if you’re watching this, if it’s successful to you, you’re the problem. Now if you competed, if this is a dream, if you’re a performer, then you are just a gear in a machine. You are cattle, you are cannon fodder, you are binary, you are numbers on the spreadsheet. It takes and it takes and it takes and it gives you nothing.
“There is no honour in what we do or if we do it for others, because our leaders have failed you. The only person that will not fail you is yourself. To my fallen brothers, now is the time to take control. You can not play it safe, you must take the risk, you have to take the chance. You must jump head first into the unknown. I offer you my hand, and if you give your blood, I will give you your freedom. But if you grovel, if you conform, if you lay down now, you will die. You do not get honour in the ring, you only get scars. A callous body, a callous mind, a callous soul. Honour comes from purpose, honour comes when you choose to control your narrative. You’ve been warned.”
H/T: Wrestling Inc.