
Eric Bischoff: Goldberg Is Still Wrestling In WWE For The Money

"Let's be honest with ourselves and not bust anybody’s balls over this. Anyone would do it."

Eric Bischoff believes Goldberg is only still competing in WWE matches because the company is willing to pay him a lot of money to do so. 

Since his return for a second run in WWE in 2016, Goldberg has featured in one or two matches each calendar year, facing the likes of Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, Kevin Owens, Bray Wyatt and Drew McIntyre, winning the Universal Championship twice. 

Almost all of those contests have been quick, high intensity bouts that tend not to last longer than five minutes and Bischoff, who oversaw Goldberg's incredible rise to main-event status in WCW in the 1990s, believes the 54-year-old is only too happy to be involved in the attraction matches for the amount he's paid.

The former Raw general manager and Smackdown executive producer refused to criticise Goldberg for the situation, however, saying anyone else would gladly take that opportunity if it was offered to them.

Speaking on the Insight With Chris Van Vliet Podcast, Bischoff said: “Goldberg is doing it for the money, come on. This is not love of the business or love, to get out there and perform. In my opinion, sorry Bill; you and I aren’t close friends but we are friends. And if what I am saying Bill offends you, then I apologise because I don’t mean it to. But come on dude, do you think he’s doing it for the fun or do you think he’s doing it for the money?

"It’s smart! It’s not a bad thing! I’m not putting it down. If I had the ability at Bill’s age, and look the way Bill did and someone gave me a seven-figure cheque to work five minutes... come on! 

"Let's be honest with ourselves and not bust anybody’s balls over this. Anyone would do it. We dream about that opportunity.”

H/T Inside The Ropes

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com