
Gene Snitsky Set To Make MLW Singles Debut Later This Year

Gene Snitsky in MLW!

Former WWE star Gene Snitsky (AKA Gene Snisky) is set to continue his run with Major League Wrestling.

The Ruthless Aggression era star made his MLW debut at the promotion's Battle Riot V taping on April 8 as the final entrant in the namesake match. He would ultimately be eliminated but MLW were seemingly impressed by Snisky as they have booked him for their TV tapings later this year.

MLW announced that Gene Snisky will be in action during the Fusion TV taping portion of the promotion's 'Never Say Never' event on Saturday, July 8 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The show is set to take place at the 2300 Arena. 

Snisky looks set to retain an element of his WWE gimmick as MLW noted in the announcement that Snitsky cautioned any bedlam he unleashes in MLW won't be his fault. 

Snitsky has largely performed on the independents over the past 14 years. He is primarily known for his WWE run from 2004 until 2009, during which he punted a baby and caused Lita to have a storyline miscarriage during his feud with Kane. Snitsky later developed a foot fetish on TV. 

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Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Twitter: @theaidangibbons