Matt Riddle On Seth Rollins' Comments Toward Him: "I Think He Wants Attention"
"The King of Bros" speaks...

Oct 18, 2019
We've come to expect nothing but candid opinions from the mouth of Matt Riddle. Whether he's criticizing the quality of main roster storylines, the wrestling ability of Bill Goldberg, or just plain calling out Brock Lesnar, "The King of Bros" hasn't been one to mince his words.
In an interview with
The Battlegroundpodcast, Riddle responded to comments made on The Bump by Universal champion Seth Rollins.
Rollins spoke on the recent NXT title bout between Riddle and Adam Cole, and sided with Cole, while adding that he thought Riddle sucked.
"I think he wants attention, but that's cool bro," Riddle stated. "He went after Sasha and deleted his Twitter account. I don't really mind. My fans are really nice so they're not going to go out and threaten him. I think's friends with Cole and I think that was mostly it. It's funny because he's said he wanted a match with me before. He said all that and I was like, 'All right, never mind. I guess I'm not that cool.'"
Riddle tied in Rollins' comments with his own infatuation with retiring Lesnar, adding, "I'll tell you this. If I beat Brock Lesnar, I'm not going to have to hit him in the balls and stomp him in the head three times. I'll beat him for real. I don't need to cheat."
(Transcription courtesy of