NWA Powerrr Episode 7 Overshadowed By Racist Remark From Jim Cornette, Nick Aldis Reacts
The episode has since been edited and re-uploaded...
Nov 20, 2019
Last night, the National Wrestling Alliance had to pull their latest episode of Powerrr from YouTube and other platforms because of racist comments made by commentator Jim Cornette.
During a non-title match between NWA Worlds Champion Nick Aldis and Trevor Murdoch, Cornette said Murdoch was: “The only man I've ever known that could strap a bucket of fried chicken on his back and drive a motor scooter across Ethiopia.”
NWA Vice President David Lagana has since apologised, tweeting: “On tonight's episode of NWA Powerrr airing on November 19th 2019, one of our talents made comments which some viewers found offensive. We deeply regret the error and apologize. We have temporarily taken the program down while we correct this error.”
Nick Aldis has also addressed Cornette's comments on Twitter, adding: “I'm sorry for the inappropriate remarks and am glad to see they have been promptly edited out. I hope this is the first and last time an episode of #NWAPowerrr is overshadowed by something like this.” Followed by: “This is in no way speaking on behalf of the NWA, I am absolutely just speaking for myself: I thought the comment was in poor taste and unnecessary. I totally understand why it caused many to be upset. It was a lack of judgement or sensitivity. I have worked really hard along with many others on this team to make this brand mean something again and this is not how I want the NWA to be trending.”
Jim Cornette is yet to comment.
An edited version of NWA Powerrr episode seven has since been uploaded, which you can watch below: