Raven Thinks Pro Wrestling Bookers Need To Be Younger

Raven thinks pro wrestling bookers need youth on their side

Raven is commonly noted by wrestling fans and insiders as having one of the best minds for the business, with the nihilistic former ECW Champion winning a legion of fans in the 90s for his thought provoking, game-changing - and violent - work.

Whilst having Raven in a creative role would likely benefit any wrestling organisation, Raven himself disagrees, telling the Under The Ring podcast that younger bookers need to be running things:

"You have to stay current," Raven said. "That's always been a problem with the wrestling business — is bookers aren't current. They don't have any youth [on] the... booking committee, so to speak, who know what pop culture is, and what's trendy and what isn't."

Raven continued, “I think I would've been a great booker back then [the 90s]. Now I'm not as good as I would've been because, even though my wrestling knowledge is more, my pop culture knowledge [isn't]. ... I'm 58 years old, I don't stay current anymore."

In the latter years of his run atop WWE creative, many fans pointed at Vince McMahon’s advancing age and outdated pop-culture references as a hindrance to the product.

H/T: Wrestling Inc.

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.