Report: Matt Hardy Turns Down Latest WWE Contract Offer
What's next for the Broken One?

Feb 14, 2020
Though he's scheduled to be in action on this coming Monday's episode of Raw, Matt Hardy's WWE contract expires in close to two weeks. And he's not presently committed to staying, according to reports.
Ryan Satin of Pro Wrestling Sheet
tweeted Friday about the latest on Hardy's contract situation, saying, "Matt passed on WWE's latest contract offer last week, which is why they did the con-chair-to angle to write him off TV."
Satin added, "Since (that angle) was so well-received though, they decided to extend this part of story another week.
Hardy is scheduled to wrestle Randy Orton
on this Monday's episode of Raw in a No Holds Barred match. Orton took Hardy out with a steel chair on this past Monday's show, using the aforementioned one-man con-chair-to.
Hardy's WWE contract is reported to expire on Sunday, March 1. He returned to the company three years ago at WrestleMania 33, following a six and a half year absence.
Recently, the 45-year-old veteran has fueled ongoing rumors of a possible exit from WWE through various social media posts, namely his "Free the Delete" video series.