
Report: Why The Finish To Asuka Vs. Mickie James On WWE Raw Was Botched Revealed

It initially appeared that James suffered an injury...

The match between Mickie James and Asuka for the Raw Women's Championship ended in controversial circumstances on Monday. Both women battled back and forth for 11 minutes but Asuka seemingly had the bout won after she trapped Mickie in the Asuka Lock. The six-time women's champion managed to counter, however, by shifting her weight but the referee suddenly called for the bell and announced James was unable to continue. James looked stunned by the decision and The Empress Of Tomorrow didn't look too happy either. 

After the match, WWE Hall Of Famer Mick Foley noted he had been told Mickie may have suffered a shoulder injury during the bout, hence the botched finish. 

James doesn't appear to have been injured, however. Mike Johnson of PWInsider reported the planned finish was for Mickie to tap out after being trapped in the Asuka Lock but the official decided to ring the bell because those overseeing the match, including the referee, believed she was "out on her feet" because of how she sold the submission. Johnson added that the challenger was actually fine, but her selling was so good it fooled the producers backstage and the official. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons